Latest Earthquakes Near Bargfeld-Stegen, Schleswig-Holstein in 🇩🇪 Germany
Latest Earthquakes Near Bargfeld-Stegen, Schleswig-Holstein in Germany
An overview of the latest earthquakes near Bargfeld-Stegen, Schleswig-Holstein in Germany. Each earthquake event is recorded as they happend updated every minute, the first event ever recorded was in 1950.
Time | Epicenter | Magnitude | Depth |
2 years ago
On 2021-09-13 01:22:51 |
53.1128, 9.1344
100 km (62 mi) ↓ S of Bargfeld-Stegen |
M 2.9
5.31 km |
16 years ago
On 2008-04-03 00:06:17 |
53.082, 9.114
104 km (64 mi) ↓ S of Bargfeld-Stegen |
M 2.8
5 km |
19 years ago
On 2005-07-15 15:02:48 |
52.927, 8.622
139 km (86 mi) ↙ SW of Bargfeld-Stegen |
M 4
10 km |
19 years ago
On 2004-10-20 06:59:14 |
53.011, 9.467
96 km (60 mi) ↓ S of Bargfeld-Stegen |
M 4.5
5.5 km |
23 years ago
On 2001-07-21 16:35:59 |
54.0, 12.5
153 km (95 mi) ↗ NE of Bargfeld-Stegen |
M 3.5
10 km |
24 years ago
On 2000-05-19 19:22:40 |
53.407, 10.88
60 km (37 mi) → E of Bargfeld-Stegen |
M 3.5
10 km |
28 years ago
On 1996-05-25 08:43:29 |
52.82, 9.095
127 km (79 mi) ↓ S of Bargfeld-Stegen |
M 0
10 km |
43 years ago
On 1981-07-17 01:18:38 |
52.924, 8.557
143 km (89 mi) ↙ SW of Bargfeld-Stegen |
M 0
10 km |
47 years ago
On 1977-06-02 13:32:14 |
53.067, 9.553
88 km (55 mi) ↓ S of Bargfeld-Stegen |
M 3.8
0 km |
Bargfeld-Stegen Earthquake Statistics
Since the 1950's Bargfeld-Stegen has experiences a total of 7 earthquakes, within a 150 km radius of the center of the city.
Earthquakes per Year in Bargfeld-Stegen 1950-2024
Annual earthquakes counts for Bargfeld-Stegen was last updated at 2024-02-09 23:09:58.
Earthquake Magnitude Distribution
Magnitude | Earthquakes | Percentage |
M 2 | 2 | 22.22% |
M 3 | 3 | 33.33% |
M 4 | 2 | 22.22% |
Magnitude distribution for Bargfeld-Stegen was last updated at 2024-06-07 20:12:24.
To conserve energy and maximize resource utilization, we calculate historical earthquake statistics in batches. This is done sporadically when sufficient resources are available to the system. Thus, annual earthquakes count and magnitude distribution for various locations on earth, may lag behind in certain instances. Most commonly it's a matter of hours, sometimes days, or even up to a few weeks.
Common Questions
When was the last earthquake in Bargfeld-Stegen, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany?
The last earthquake in Bargfeld-Stegen was 2 years ago and struck 100 km (62 mi) ↓ S of the city. The earthquake had a magnitude 2.90 on the richter scale and a depth of 5.31 km.
What was the strongest earthquake near Bargfeld-Stegen, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany?
The strongest earthquake recorded near Bargfeld-Stegen was a 4.50 magnitude earthquake with a depth of 5.5 kilometers. It struck 96 km (60 mi) ↓ S of the city, 19 years ago.
How often do earthquakes occur near Bargfeld-Stegen, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany?
In 2024, Bargfeld-Stegen has experienced 0 earthquakes with a magnitude of 0.1 or higher on the Richter scale. That's lower than the annual average of 0.09 earthquakes in the region. Based on historic earthquake data, which dates back to 1950, we can asume that Bargfeld-Stegen is struck by an earthquake every 0.01 months.
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- Earthquakes in Wrist
- Earthquakes in Wyk auf Föhr
- Earthquakes in Zarpen
Data Information
Information found on this page is a derivative set, based on sources mentioned below.
Data Sources
We aggregate and combine data from USGS (United States Geographical Survey) and the EMSC (European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre). This allow us to get near real-time and historical earthquake data dating back to the year 1950.
Information or data found on this page should not be used for, or as an early warning system. It is intended as an historical reference or near real-time complementary information to offical and governmental sources. In an event of an emergency it is important closely monitor and follow advice from national, state and local authorities.