Bhola CCPP GT-1 2 ST Power Plant (Gas)

The Bhola CCPP GT-1 2 ST plant is a Gas power plant located in 🇧🇩 Bangladesh. Bhola CCPP GT-1 2 ST has a peak capacity of 227.0 MW which is generated by Gas. The power plant was commissioned in 2009 and started energy production the same year.

Generated Gigawatt Hours (2013-2019)

The data for generated gigawatt hours between 2013-2019 is incomplete.

Estimated Generated Gigawatt Hours (2013-2019)

Esitmated numbers might be available if no offical reccords has been released, or if they were added to the database before official numbers was recorded.

Other Gas Power Plants in Bangladesh

Name Capacity (MW Type Other Fuel Owner
Ashuganj (Aggreko) 1649.0 MW Gas Aggreko
Baghabari GT 1 223.0 MW Gas Oil,
Barishal GT-unit-1 2 40.0 MW Gas
Bogra GBB 42.0 MW Gas
Chittagong Roazan 553.0 MW Gas
Fenchuganj (Barakatullah) 296.0 MW Gas
Feni (Doreen) 33.0 MW Gas Doreen Power Company
Ghorasal ST :Unit-3 861.0 MW Gas
Hobiganj (Confidence-EP) 11.0 MW Gas Confidence EP
Horippur Power CCPP 946.0 MW Gas Oil,
Jangalia (Summit) 85.0 MW Gas Summit Corporation Limited
Khulna (KPCL-2) 510.0 MW Gas Summit Corporation Limited
Meghnaghat CCPP 855.0 MW Gas Oil, Summit Corporation Limited
Mymensingh 210.0 MW Gas
Shahjibazar 330 MW 536.0 MW Gas
Shiddirganj ST 210.0 MW Gas
Siddhirganj (Dutch Bangla) 520.0 MW Gas Dutch Bangala
Summit Barisal 110MW 110.0 MW Gas Summit Corporation Limited
Summit Bibiana-2 341.0 MW Gas Summit Corporation Limited
Summit Power Comilla 25.0 MW Gas Summit Corporation Limited
Summit Power Maona 33.0 MW Gas Summit Corporation Limited
Summit Power (Madhabdi+Ashulia) 80.0 MW Gas Summit Corporation Limited
Summit Power Rupgonj 33.0 MW Gas Summit Corporation Limited
Sylhet (Energyprima) 222.0 MW Gas EnergyPrima
Tongi GT 105.0 MW Gas
Ullapara (Summit) 11.0 MW Gas Summit Corporation Limited

Data Information

This data is a derivitive set of data gathered by source mentioned below.

Data Sources

Global Energy Observatory/Google/KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm/Enipedia/World Resources Institute/
