Biopio (hydro) Power Plant (Hydro)

The Biopio (hydro) plant is a Hydro power plant located in 🇦🇴 Angola. Biopio (hydro) has a peak capacity of 14.6 MW which is generated by Hydro.

Generated Gigawatt Hours (2013-2019)

The data for generated gigawatt hours between 2013-2019 is incomplete.

Estimated Generated Gigawatt Hours (2013-2019)

Esitmated numbers might be available if no offical reccords has been released, or if they were added to the database before official numbers was recorded.

Other Hydro Power Plants in Angola

Name Capacity (MW Type Other Fuel Owner
Cambambe 180.0 MW Hydro
Capanda 520.0 MW Hydro
Matala 40.0 MW Hydro
Rio Luachimo 16.0 MW Hydro

Data Information

This data is a derivitive set of data gathered by source mentioned below.

Data Sources

Global Energy Observatory/Google/KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm/Enipedia/World Resources Institute/
