FW Poniec II Power Plant (Wind)

The FW Poniec II plant is a Wind power plant located in 🇵🇱 Poland. FW Poniec II has a peak capacity of 30.0 MW which is generated by Wind. The power plant was commissioned in 2012 and started energy production the same year. The current owner and operator of the FW Poniec II facility is ACCIONA Energy.

Generated Gigawatt Hours (2013-2019)

The data for generated gigawatt hours between 2013-2019 is incomplete.

Estimated Generated Gigawatt Hours (2013-2019)

Esitmated numbers might be available if no offical reccords has been released, or if they were added to the database before official numbers was recorded.

Other Wind Power Plants in Poland

Name Capacity (MW Type Other Fuel Owner
EW Karnice I 30.0 MW Wind PGE
EW Karwice 40.0 MW Wind PGE
EW Kisielice 41.0 MW Wind PGE
EW Kisielice II 12.0 MW Wind PGE
EW Lake Ostrowo 34.0 MW Wind PGE
EW Lotnisko 95.0 MW Wind PGE
EW Malbork-Koniecwald 18.0 MW Wind PGE
EW Pelplin 49.0 MW Wind PGE
EW Resko I 14.0 MW Wind PGE
EW Resko II 76.0 MW Wind PGE
EW Wojciechowo 28.0 MW Wind PGE
EW Żuromin 61.0 MW Wind PGE
FW Bystra 24.0 MW Wind Energa Wytwarzanie
FW Czarnożyły 22.0 MW Wind Farma wiatrowa Czarnożyły Sp. Z o.o.
FW Darłowo (Cisowo) 18.0 MW Wind
FW Dąbrowice 36.0 MW Wind ENGIE
FW Galicja 12.0 MW Wind PGE
FW Gawłowice 48.0 MW Wind Polenergia
FW Golice 38.0 MW Wind ACCIONA Energy
FW Inowrocław 32.0 MW Wind Vortex Energy
FW Iłża 54.0 MW Wind EDP Renewables Polska
FW Jarogniew-Mołtowo 20.0 MW Wind ENGIE
FW Jóźwin 25.0 MW Wind Vortex Energy
FW Karcino 51.0 MW Wind Energa Wytwarzanie
FW Karścino 90.0 MW Wind Energa Wytwarzanie
FW Korsze 70.0 MW Wind RWE Polska
FW Krobia 33.0 MW Wind ACCIONA Energy
FW Kręcin 6.0 MW Wind Polenergia
FW Lipniki 30.0 MW Wind Tauron Ekoenergia
FW Lubartów 48.0 MW Wind IKEA
FW Modlikowice 24.0 MW Wind Polenergia
FW Mogilno I-VI 34.0 MW Wind Vortex Energy
FW Mycielin 46.0 MW Wind Polenergia
FW Myślino 20.0 MW Wind Energa Wytwarzanie
FW Parsówek 26.0 MW Wind Energa Wytwarzanie
FW Puck (Gnieżdżewo) 22.0 MW Wind Polenergia
FW Pągów 51.0 MW Wind ENGIE
FW Radziejów 42.0 MW Wind Vortex Energy
FW Rajgród 25.0 MW Wind Polenergia
FW Sanniki 30.0 MW Wind
FW Skurpie 44.0 MW Wind Polenergia
FW Suwałki 41.0 MW Wind RWE Polska
FW Taciewo 30.0 MW Wind RWE Polska
FW Taczalin 45.0 MW Wind WSB Neue Energien
FW Tychowo-Noskowo 50.0 MW Wind RWE Polska
FW Tymień 50.0 MW Wind Invenergy
FW Wartkowo 30.0 MW Wind ENGIE
FW Widzino 42.0 MW Wind Windpol
FW Zagórze 30.0 MW Wind Tauron Ekoenergia
FW Zajączkowo 48.0 MW Wind Windpol
FW Łukaszów 34.0 MW Wind Polenergia
FW Śniatowo 32.0 MW Wind Vortex Energy
Farma Wiatrowa Margonin 120.0 MW Wind
Gorzkowice 12.0 MW Wind ELEOS
Lubawa 10.0 MW Wind
Miksztal 10.0 MW Wind
Nidzica/Tatary 10.0 MW Wind ELEOS
PW Kamieńsk 31.0 MW Wind PGE

Data Information

This data is a derivitive set of data gathered by source mentioned below.

Data Sources

Global Energy Observatory/Google/KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm/Enipedia/World Resources Institute/database.earth
