Gisenyi Power Plant (Waste)

The Gisenyi plant is a Waste power plant located in 🇷🇼 Rwanda. Gisenyi has a peak capacity of 3.78 MW which is generated by Waste. The power plant was commissioned in 2010 and started energy production the same year.

Generated Gigawatt Hours (2013-2019)

The data for generated gigawatt hours between 2013-2019 is incomplete.

Estimated Generated Gigawatt Hours (2013-2019)

Esitmated numbers might be available if no offical reccords has been released, or if they were added to the database before official numbers was recorded.

Data Information

This data is a derivitive set of data gathered by source mentioned below.

Data Sources

Global Energy Observatory/Google/KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm/Enipedia/World Resources Institute/
