Global Biomass Power Plants

There are currenly 1,377 Biomass power plants across the globe with a total capacity of 33203.6 MW.

Name Capacity (MW) Type Other Fuel Commissioned Owner
Broadwater 38.0 MW Biomass NSW Sugar Milling
Condong Sugar Mill 30.0 MW Biomass Delta Electricity
Inkerman Sugar Mill 10.5 MW Biomass CSR
Invicta Sugar Mill 150.0 MW Biomass CSR
Isis Central Sugar Mill 25.0 MW Biomass AGL Energy Pty Ltd
Kalamia Sugar Mill 9.0 MW Biomass Sucrogen (Kalamia) Pty Ltd
Macknade Sugar Mill 8.0 MW Biomass Sucrogen (Herbert) Pty Ltd
Maryborough 7.5 MW Biomass MSF Sugar
Maryvale Mill 54.5 MW Biomass Australian Paper
Mt Gambier 10.0 MW Biomass Carter Holt Harvey Wood Products Australia Pty Limited
Mulgrave 13.0 MW Biomass MSF Sugar
Narrogin Bioenergy Plant 1.0 MW Biomass Verve Energy Western Power Oil Mallee Co Enecon Pty Ltd
Pioneer Sugar Mill 67.8 MW Biomass CSR
Plane Creek Sugar Mill 14.0 MW Biomass Sucrogen (Plane Creek Mill) Pty Ltd
Proserpine Sugar Mill 17.0 MW Biomass Sucrogen
Racecourse Mill 3.5 MW Biomass Mackay Sugar Limited
Rocky Point Sugar Sugar Mill 30.0 MW Biomass Stanwell Corporation Ltd
South Johnstone 20.0 MW Biomass MSF Sugar
Stapylton Green Energy 4.8 MW Biomass Stapylton Green Energy
Suncoast Gold Macadamia 1.5 MW Biomass AGL Energy Pty Ltd
Tableland 7.0 MW Biomass MSF Sugar
Tully Sugar Mill 21.4 MW Biomass COFCO
Victoria Sugar Mill 24.0 MW Biomass Sucrogen Pty Ltd
Visy Paper Gibson Island 2.0 MW Biomass Visy Pulp and Paper
Visy Pulp and Paper Tumut 20.0 MW Biomass Visy Pulp and Paper
AWIRS 4 95.0 MW Biomass 2005
RODENHUIZE 4 268.0 MW Biomass
AREVALE 2.0 MW Biomass 2014
AVG I-II 4.8 MW Biomass 2009
Agroalcool 1.2 MW Biomass
Agropéu 21.6 MW Biomass 2016
Agrovale 14.0 MW Biomass 1979
Albertina 4.25 MW Biomass
Alcomira 2.4 MW Biomass
Alcon 11.2 MW Biomass 2001
Alcoolvale 4.2 MW Biomass 2002
Alcídia 38.1 MW Biomass
Alta Mogiana 75.0 MW Biomass 1994
Alvorada 8.0 MW Biomass 2002
Amandina 120.0 MW Biomass 2014
Angélica 96.0 MW Biomass 2009
Aracruz 210.4 MW Biomass 2002
Araguassu 1.2 MW Biomass
Aralco 4.8 MW Biomass
Artivinco (Antiga Rio Pardo) 4.5 MW Biomass
Atos 3.0 MW Biomass 2014
BEN Bioenergia 53.0 MW Biomass 2013
Bahia Pulp (Antiga Bacell) 108.6 MW Biomass
Baldin 45.0 MW Biomass 2010
Bambuí 30.0 MW Biomass 2014
Barra Bioenergia 136.0 MW Biomass 2010
Barra Grande de Lençóis 62.9 MW Biomass 2003
Barralcool 30.0 MW Biomass 2002
Batatais 3.9 MW Biomass
Bazan 10.2 MW Biomass 2001
Baía Formosa 40.0 MW Biomass 2011
Bela Vista 9.8 MW Biomass 1977
Bem Brasil 2.125 MW Biomass 2006
Benálcool 4.2 MW Biomass
Berneck 12.0 MW Biomass
Bio Alvorada 50.0 MW Biomass 2013
Bio Coopcana 50.0 MW Biomass 2013
Bio Fuel 4.8 MW Biomass
Bioenergética Aroeira 16.0 MW Biomass 2014
Bioenergética Vale do Paracatu - BEVAP 55.0 MW Biomass 2011
Bioflex Caeté 62.5 MW Biomass 2014
Biolins 28.0 MW Biomass 2010
Biopav II 65.0 MW Biomass 2012
Boa Vista 80.0 MW Biomass 2008
Bom Jesus 3.2 MW Biomass
Bom Retiro 3.6 MW Biomass
Bom Sucesso 1.5 MW Biomass 2013
Bortolo Carolo 8.0 MW Biomass 1994
Branco Peres 3.98 MW Biomass 2005
Brotas 70.0 MW Biomass 2013
CAAL 3.825 MW Biomass 2012
CATIVA I 1.2 MW Biomass 2015
CEM (Antiga Camen) 24.0 MW Biomass 2013
CMPC (Antiga Aracruz Unidade Guaíba) 250.994 MW Biomass 1971
CRV 4.0 MW Biomass
Caarapó 114.0 MW Biomass 2010
Cabrera 25.0 MW Biomass 2009
Camil Alimentos - Camaquã 4.0 MW Biomass
Campo Florido 30.0 MW Biomass 2002
Campo Lindo 25.0 MW Biomass 2011
Canabrava 44.0 MW Biomass 2012
Canaã 30.0 MW Biomass 2006
Capricho 2.4 MW Biomass
Caramuru Sorriso 9.696 MW Biomass 2016
Cargil Três Lagoas 6.0 MW Biomass 2013
Cargill Uberlândia 25.0 MW Biomass 2011
Casa de Força 7.92 MW Biomass 2014
Catanduva 9.0 MW Biomass
Catanduva (Antiga Cerradinho) 75.0 MW Biomass 2001
Caçú I 130.0 MW Biomass 2010
Celulose Irani 4.9 MW Biomass
Cenibra 100.0 MW Biomass 1976
Central Energética Ribeirão Preto (Antiga Galo Bravo) 9.0 MW Biomass 1986
Central Olho D Água 25.0 MW Biomass 2015
Central Termelétrica de Geração (Antiga Forjasul) 1.8 MW Biomass

What is biomass?

Biomass refers to organic matter, such as plants, wood, agricultural waste, and other organic materials, that can be used to produce energy. Biomass is considered a renewable energy source because it comes from living or recently living organisms that can be replenished over time, and it can be used to generate electricity or produce heat and fuel.

What is biomass used for?

Biomass can be burned directly to produce heat or steam, which can then be used to generate electricity, or it can be converted into biogas or liquid biofuels through processes such as fermentation or gasification. Biogas is a mixture of methane and other gases that can be used to produce heat or electricity, while liquid biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel can be used as transportation fuels or blended with conventional fuels to reduce emissions.

How much electricity is generated from biomass each year?

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), in 2020, the world generated approximately 592 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity from biomass, which accounted for approximately 2% of global electricity generation.

Which country produce most elecricity from biomass?

As of 2021, the United States is the largest producer of biomass power in the world, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). The U.S. generates a significant amount of electricity from biomass, including wood and wood waste, agricultural residues, and municipal solid waste. In 2020, the U.S. generated approximately 64.8 TWh of electricity from biomass, accounting for approximately 2% of the country's total electricity generation.

Is biomass power environmentally friendly?

One advantage of biomass energy is that it can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by displacing fossil fuels, and it can also help reduce waste by using organic materials that might otherwise be discarded. However, like all energy sources, biomass has its own set of environmental and social impacts, and the sustainability of biomass production and use depends on factors such as the source of the biomass, the production methods used, and the overall energy system in which it is used.

Data Information

This data is a derivitive set of data gathered by source mentioned below.

Data Sources

Global Energy Observatory/Google/KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm/Enipedia/World Resources Institute/