Biomass Power Plants in United Kingdom

United Kingdom generates biomass-powered energy from 226 biomass power plants across the country. In total, these biomass power plants has a capacity of 1583.7 MW.

Name Capacity (MW) Type Other Fuel Commissioned Owner
14 Tullywiggan Road 1.0 MW Biomass PAR Renewables
A C Shropshire (Farm AD) 2.5 MW Biomass PROjEN
ABP Ellesmere Abbatoir 1.1 MW Biomass ABP Ellesmere
Abbots moor Farm Anaerobic Digester (Farm AD) 1.0 MW Biomass Ms Catherine Suckley
Aberthaw Power Station Biomass 35.0 MW Biomass RWE npower
Acharn Forest Killin Biomass Plant 5.6 MW Biomass Northern Energy Developments
Airport Road West 1.2 MW Biomass Belfast Harbour Commissioners
Allerton Waste Recovery Park (Waste AD) 1.1 MW Biomass AmeyCespa
Alscot 1.6 MW Biomass RCMA Stratford
Arla Dairy Site 5.0 MW Biomass Olleco and Arla Foods
Aspatria Creamery 5.0 MW Biomass First Milk Cheese Company
Austrey House Farm 1.5 MW Biomass William Corbett Farms
Avondale Quarry (Pilot) 2.0 MW Biomass Grangemouth Generation Ltd
Avonmouth 6.5 MW Biomass Avonmouth Biopower
Avonmouth Low Carbon Energy Facility - Phase 2 6.5 MW Biomass Avonmouth Biopower
BH Energy - Biogas (AD) 2.1 MW Biomass Blakiston Houston Estate Company
BV Dairy (Farm AD) 1.5 MW Biomass BV Dairy
Balcas Timber Biomass CHP Plant 2.5 MW Biomass Balcas Timber
Balderton 20.3 MW Biomass SPEP
Barkip Anaerobic Digestor (Waste AD) 2.2 MW Biomass Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) / William Tracey
Barnsley 1.5 9.0 MW Biomass SPEP
Basingstoke Sewage Treatment Works 1.2 MW Biomass Thames Water Utilities
Beckton Gas Pressure Reduction Station 19.0 MW Biomass Icon EEA Holdings & 2OC consortium
Beckton STW Biodiesel Power Plant 8.0 MW Biomass Balfor Beaty
Bentwaters CHP 4.6 MW Biomass REG Bio-Power
Bentwaters Park 2.0 MW Biomass Agri-Gen
Bentwaters Park (extension) 1.8 MW Biomass Agri-Gen/Downing
Birmingham Bio-Power Plant 10.3 MW Biomass Birmingham Bio-Power
Blackburn Meadows 33.0 MW Biomass E.On
Blazer Fuels 3.0 MW Biomass Newbridge Energy
Bolton Road Waste Treatment and Renewable Energy Facility (Waste AD) 4.0 MW Biomass Shanks Group
Bourne Park AD (AD) 1.1 MW Biomass Eco Sustainable Solutions
Bredbury Park Way - AD Stockport (Waste AD) 2.0 MW Biomass Greater Manchester Waste Ltd
Brigg Renewable Energy Plant (Re-submission) 40.0 MW Biomass Eco2
Bristol STW (Waste AD) 10.0 MW Biomass GENeco
British Sugar - Bury 5.0 MW Biomass British Sugar
Broadley Copse 2.2 MW Biomass Broadley Energy
Brocklesby - Crosslands Lane 3.5 MW Biomass BioConstruct
Bromham House Farm 1.5 MW Biomass A J Butler & Sons Ltd
Brookfield Farm AD Plant (Farm AD) 1.3 MW Biomass Mr. I. Critchley
Brookhurst Wood (Waste AD) 4.5 MW Biomass Biffa/West Sussex County Council
Broughall Fields Farm 2.4 MW Biomass Grocontinental/ Whitchurch Biogas
Bryn Pica AD / Tomorrow's Valley (Waste AD) - resubmission 1.0 MW Biomass Ancala Bioenergy (formerly Biogen)
Buslingthorpe Power Station (Leeds North) 2.0 MW Biomass Living Power (REG Bio-Power)
Buttermilk Farm 1.1 MW Biomass Hallwick Energy
Bygrave Lodge Farm Anaerobic Digestion Facility (Farm AD) 2.3 MW Biomass Ancala Bioenergy (formerly Biogen)
Caledonian Papermill 26.0 MW Biomass Caledonian Paper
Cannington Cold Stores 3.3 MW Biomass Cannington Cold Stores Ltd / Cannington Bioenergy
Cardiff Organic Waste Treatment Project (resubmission) 2.0 MW Biomass Kelda Organic Energy
Carousel Dairy AD Plant (Farm AD) 1.5 MW Biomass Tamar Energy
Carr Farm (Farm AD) 1.0 MW Biomass Farmgen
Carrington Farm AD 3.0 MW Biomass Beeswax Farming (Rainbow)
Cassington AD (Waste AD) 2.1 MW Biomass Agrivert
Cattlegate Farm Biogas (Farm AD) 1.5 MW Biomass Willen Biogas & Xergi
Charlesfield Biomass CHP Plant 10.0 MW Biomass Charlesfield First LLP & Biogas Power
Charlton Lane Eco Park (Waste AD) 1.7 MW Biomass Surrey County Council
Chilton Energy Plant 18.0 MW Biomass Dalkia
Codford Biogas (Waste AD) 1.5 MW Biomass J M Stratton & Co
Coleshill STW (Waste AD) 2.4 MW Biomass Severn Trent Water
Colwick Industrial Estate (Farm and Food waste) 2.0 MW Biomass Bio Dynamic
Coursers Farm AD Plant (Waste AD) 3.0 MW Biomass Agrivert
Cowie Biomass Facility 15.0 MW Biomass Norbord
Cradley Heath 1.1 MW Biomass Intervate Renewable Energy
Crowmarsh Battle Farm (Farm AD) 2.3 MW Biomass Agrivert
Cumbernauld BioPlant (Waste AD) 2.4 MW Biomass Shanks Group
Dartmoor Bio Power 3.9 MW Biomass Dartmoor Bio Power 1
Daventry 1.0 MW Biomass Earthworm Energy
Dean Group Business Park - Hartlepool 5.1 MW Biomass BioConstruct
Decoy Farm (Farm AD) 1.8 MW Biomass Organic Recycling
Deephams Sewerage Treatment Works 3.0 MW Biomass Thames Water Utilities
Deerdykes Composting and Organics Recycling Facility (Waste AD) 1.0 MW Biomass Scottish Water Solutions
Derriford Hospital 1.5 MW Biomass Plymouth Hospital NHS Trust
Diageo Biomass Energy Project 5.5 MW Biomass Diageo
Dimmer Anaerobic Digestor (Waste AD) 3.0 MW Biomass Viridor / Wyvern Waste Services
Discovery Park 16.0 MW Biomass Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor (BWSC)
Double H Nurseries Biomass Plant 1.5 MW Biomass Double H Nurseries
Dryholme Farm (Farm AD) 1.0 MW Biomass Kirk Environmental
East Dagenham Docks AD (AD) 1.4 MW Biomass Lynton Development Ltd & Teg Environmental Ltd
Eccleshall Biomass 2.6 MW Biomass Eccleshal Biomass
Eco Composting 3.2 MW Biomass Eco Sustainable Solutions
Elean 38.0 MW Biomass European Development Corporation
Energen biogas cumbernauld 2.4 MW Biomass Energen Biogas Ltd
Energy Works (Hull) 25.0 MW Biomass Energy Works / The Spencer Group
Energy Works Hull - AD (Waste AD) 3.0 MW Biomass Energy Works / The Spencer Group
Enfield Farm 2.0 MW Biomass Greener For Life Energy
Evermore Renewable Energy (CHP) / Lisahally Power Station 15.0 MW Biomass ERE Developments
Eye Suffolk 14.3 MW Biomass South Western Power (NOVERA)
Farington Waste Recovery Park (Waste AD) 1.9 MW Biomass Global Renewables Lancashire Ltd
Felinfach 3.2 MW Biomass Volac
Fenmarc Fenland AD Plant (Waste AD) 1.5 MW Biomass Local Generation Ltd
Fernbrook AD Plant (Waste AD) 1.5 MW Biomass Fernbrook Bio Limited
Ferrybridge Multi-fuel 79.0 MW Biomass Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE)
Gelliargwellt Uchaf Farm AD 1.4 MW Biomass Bryn Group
Glanford 14.0 MW Biomass EPR Glanford Ltd
Glasgow Renewable Energy and Recycling Centre (Waste AD) 5.0 MW Biomass Viridor
GlaxoSmithKline (Waste AD) 1.0 MW Biomass GlaxoSmithKline
Glenfiddich Distillery 1.5 MW Biomass William Grant and Sons Distillers
Goosey Lodge Industrial Estate 16.0 MW Biomass Ancillary Components
Gore Cross - AD 2.2 MW Biomass Wight Farm Energy
Gortahurk Road 1.5 MW Biomass Connective Energy Holdings
Granox Biogas Plant 5.0 MW Biomass ReFood UK
Granville Ecopark 3.0 MW Biomass Granville Ecopark
Gravel Pit Farm (Resubmission) 1.0 MW Biomass JFS Gravel Pit Farm Biogas
Great Hele Farm AD farm waste 1.3 MW Biomass Greener for Life Energy
Green Waste Composting Facility (Waste AD) 1.2 MW Biomass Barfoot Energy Projects Ltd
Green's Lodge Farm 2.0 MW Biomass A C Shropshire
Greenhill Anaerobic Digestion Plant 1.0 MW Biomass Black Dog Biogas
Halstead Renewable Power Project (Waste AD) 2.0 MW Biomass Tamar Energy
Harbour Road 2.6 MW Biomass Glennon Brothers Troon
Heathrow Airport Biomass CHP 1.8 MW Biomass Heathrow Airport
Hogsbrook Farm - Farm AD 1.0 MW Biomass Greener for Life Energy
Holbrook Community Renewable Energy Centre 6.5 MW Biomass UYE (UK) / Veolia
Hull Biomass Plant (Tansterne power station) 22.0 MW Biomass Solar 21
Iggesund Paperboard CHP Plant 49.0 MW Biomass Iggesund Paperboard (Workington)
Imperial Park 5.1 MW Biomass BioConstruct
Ince Bio Power 21.5 MW Biomass Cogen
Inchdairnie 2.0 MW Biomass RM Brown & Son Ltd
Invergordon Pellet Mill 5.0 MW Biomass Balcas
Ipswich Hospital Energy Centre 2.6 MW Biomass Naturegen Energy Centre
JG Pears' animal rendering facility 12.0 MW Biomass JG Pears Power
King George Dock 9.0 MW Biomass Sunrise Renewables
King's Yard 3.0 MW Biomass Suez Energy Services
Knostrop Sewage Treatment Works 4.0 MW Biomass Yorkshire Water
Land Adjacent to Thomas Swan and Co Ltd. 1.0 MW Biomass Hallwick Energy
Land South East Of Water Treatment Works Bridge End 1.5 MW Biomass DJ AND SJ RECYCLING
Land at Grange Farm 1.1 MW Biomass Lockwood Estates
Land at Lostock Works (Northwich Facility) 5.0 MW Biomass Orsted (formerly Dong Energy)
Leeming Bar (Waste AD) 1.5 MW Biomass JFS Clapham Lodge Biogas Ltd
Levenseat EfW 12.5 MW Biomass Levenseat
Liberty Steel Dalzell 17.0 MW Biomass SIMEC/ Liberty House
Liberty Steel Power Station 9.0 MW Biomass SIMEC/ Liberty House
Lochhead Landfill CHP 1.7 MW Biomass Fife Council
Loicher Lane 8.0 MW Biomass Rocpower
Lowbrook Farm Anaerobic Digester (Farm AD) 1.3 MW Biomass
Macphie of Glenbervie 1.2 MW Biomass
Manor Farm (Farm AD) 1.5 MW Biomass Tamar Energy
Margam Green Energy Plant 40.0 MW Biomass Glennmont Partners
Markley Group (Premiere Kitckens) Biomass 2.1 MW Biomass Markley Group
Marsh Farm (Farm AD) 1.4 MW Biomass Staples
May Farm Anaerobic Digester (Farm AD) 2.4 MW Biomass Barway Farms Limited/Shropshire Energy
McCain Foods AD Plant (AD) 1.0 MW Biomass McCain Foods (GB) Ltd
Mepal CHP 14.4 MW Biomass Pretoria Energy Company
Merevale & Blyth Estate (Waste AD) 2.0 MW Biomass Ancala Bioenergy (formerly Biogen)
Metheringham Heath (Farm AD) 6.5 MW Biomass Future Biogas (Blankney Estate)
Millerhill AD (Waste AD) 1.5 MW Biomass Ancala Bioenergy (formerly Biogen/Aluana Renewable Energy)
Milton Keynes Waste Recovery Park 7.0 MW Biomass AmeyCespa
Morayhill AD 2.0 MW Biomass Morayhill
Newry Biomass Phase 1 (Gasification) 2.0 MW Biomass REACT Energy (Kedco)
North Moor Farm AD Plant (Farm AD) 4.0 MW Biomass Rockscape Energy Ltd
North Tamar Environ Project - Holsworthy (Farm AD) 1.4 MW Biomass Holsworthy Biogas Company ( North Tamar Business Network)
Northampton General Hospital 1.9 MW Biomass Northampton General Hospital
Oak Grove Biomass Facility 2.0 MW Biomass Oak Grove Renewables
Oldbury 40.0 MW Biomass IES (Chinook Energy)
Pebble Hall Farm - resubmission - Food Waste AD 4.0 MW Biomass Welland Waste Management Ltd
Pengelly Barton Farm 1.0 MW Biomass Pengelly Farms
Plusterwine House - Anaerobic Digestion Plant (Retrospective) 1.5 MW Biomass Plusterwine Biogas Limited
Poplars Anaerobic Digestion Facility (Waste AD) 6.0 MW Biomass Biffa
Preston Road AD Plant (Waste AD) 2.8 MW Biomass Emerald Biogas
Prosper Demulder Limited Anaerobic Digestion Plant (Waste AD) 2.0 MW Biomass Prosper Demulder Limited / ReFood
Prosper Demulder Limited Anaerobic Digestion Plant (Waste AD) - extension 3.0 MW Biomass Prosper Demulder Limited / ReFood
Pulteney Distillery 3.5 MW Biomass GIB and Equitix
Pure Malt Products AD 1.5 MW Biomass Pure Malt Products Limited
Rampton Hospital Energy Centre 1.2 MW Biomass Cofely
Ratty's Lane Sustainable Enery Facility (Waste AD) 3.0 MW Biomass Tamar Energy
ReFood - Dagenham Docks Biogas (Waste AD) 1.4 MW Biomass ReFood UK Ltd
Reepham Road (Waste AD) 1.5 MW Biomass Future Biogas Ltd
Reliance Street Mechanical Biological Treatment Facility (MBT) 2.0 MW Biomass Viridor
Reservoir Road (Farm AD) 1.1 MW Biomass B and D Property Services Ltd/James Cromie
Ridham CHP Plant 25.0 MW Biomass MVV Energie Ridham Dock
Riverside Industrial Estate Gasification Plant 10.5 MW Biomass Alternative Use Group plc & Alchemy Farms
Rothes Bio-Plant 8.3 MW Biomass Scottish Bio-Power
Rye Meads Sewerage Treatment Works 2.3 MW Biomass Thames Water Utilities
SAICA Paper Mill 41.6 MW Biomass GDF SUEZ ENERGY UK
Safran Landing Systems Service 3.6 MW Biomass Safran Landing Systems UK/Technical Plant Services
Salford Refuse Treatment Plant (AD) 2.0 MW Biomass Viridor
Sandhill Anaerobic Digestion Plant (Waste AD) 2.0 MW Biomass GWE Biogas
Sefter Farm AD Plant (Farm AD) 1.0 MW Biomass Barfoots of Botley
Sinfin Lane 7.5 MW Biomass Shanks/ Resource Recovery Solutions (Derbyshire) Ltd
Singleton Birch (Farm AD) 1.5 MW Biomass Singleton Birch
Sleaford Renewable Energy Plant 40.0 MW Biomass Glenmont
Snetterton Biomass Plant 44.2 MW Biomass Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S (BWSC)
South Kirkby Business Park (Waste AD) 6.0 MW Biomass Shanks Group
South Manchester Resource Recovery Centre (AD) 2.0 MW Biomass Viridor
South View Farm 2.0 MW Biomass Bioflame
Speyside Biomass CHP Plant 12.5 MW Biomass Speyside Renewable Energy Partnership Ltd
Spring Farm (biomass) 1.0 MW Biomass Mr Phillip Lukas
St Nicholas Court Farm (AD) - resubmission 1.2 MW Biomass St Nicholas Court Farms Ltd
Staples Anaerobic Digestion CHP Plant (Waste AD) 1.4 MW Biomass Staples Brothers Ltd
Station Works AD 1.0 MW Biomass Privilege Finance/ BioWatt
Stoke Bardolph energy crop (Farm AD) 2.0 MW Biomass Severn Trent Water
Stormy Down (Waste AD) 3.0 MW Biomass Agrivert
Stud Farm Rufford (Farm AD) 2.2 MW Biomass Future Biogas
Sutton Grange AD Plant 3.0 MW Biomass Fred Walter & Sons Ltd
Swancote Farm 1.2 MW Biomass Swancote Energy
Swancote Farm AD (Farm AD) 2.2 MW Biomass Mr Simon Davies/Berries
Swindon Sewerage Treatment Works 1.2 MW Biomass Thames Water Utilities
Symonds Farm Power Ltd (Farm AD) 1.4 MW Biomass Geo E Gittus and Son
Teeside Green Energy Plant (Waste AD) 4.8 MW Biomass B F BIO GAS LTD
Templeborough Biomass Power Plant- Rotherham 42.0 MW Biomass Greencoat Capital
The Nurseries Green Tye 1.2 MW Biomass Guy & Wright
The Sawmill 6.8 MW Biomass Veolia Energy Services
Thetford 41.5 MW Biomass Energy Power Resources
Thornton Power Station 9.0 MW Biomass TPS (UK)
Thornton Waste Recovery Park (Waste AD) 1.9 MW Biomass Global Renewables Lancashire Ltd
Tilbury Green Power 43.0 MW Biomass Tilbury Green Power
Trinity Hall Farm 1.1 MW Biomass Hallwick Energy
Trumps Farm (AD) 2.4 MW Biomass Agrivert
Tully Quarry 3.0 MW Biomass Stream Bioenergy
Tyrone Energy 1 2.1 MW Biomass Mr Tim Traill
Uskmouth Power Station 18.0 MW Biomass SIMEC Group
Waen Biogas (Waste AD) 1.0 MW Biomass Ancala Bioenergy (formerly Biogen)
Wallingford (Waste AD) 2.4 MW Biomass Agrivert
Walpole Landfill AD (Waste AD) 1.6 MW Biomass Viridor
West Roucan Farm 1.2 MW Biomass John Cunningham-Jardine
Westcott Venture Park 2.0 MW Biomass Shanks Group
Western Wood Energy Plant 14.0 MW Biomass Western Bioenergy affiliate of Western Log
Westfield Biomass Power Station 12.5 MW Biomass EPR Scotland
Westwood AD Plant (Farm AD) 2.0 MW Biomass Ancala Bioenergy (formerly Biogen)
Whitemoor 18.0 MW Biomass REG Bio-Power
Widnes 3MG Biomass/Mersey Bioenergy (CHP) Plant 20.0 MW Biomass Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian (BWSC)/ Bioenergy Infrastructure Group
Wigley Farm 1.1 MW Biomass R Gough & Son
Willand AD 2.0 MW Biomass Greener for Life Energy
Wilton 10 38.0 MW Biomass UK Wood Recycling
Wingmoor Farm (Waste AD) 1.6 MW Biomass Grundon
Wothersome Grange Farm House AD - crops 1.0 MW Biomass Nick Lane-Fox
Wyke Farms Biogas (Farm AD) 1.0 MW Biomass Wyke Farms

What is biomass?

Biomass refers to organic matter, such as plants, wood, agricultural waste, and other organic materials, that can be used to produce energy. Biomass is considered a renewable energy source because it comes from living or recently living organisms that can be replenished over time, and it can be used to generate electricity or produce heat and fuel.

What is biomass used for?

Biomass can be burned directly to produce heat or steam, which can then be used to generate electricity, or it can be converted into biogas or liquid biofuels through processes such as fermentation or gasification. Biogas is a mixture of methane and other gases that can be used to produce heat or electricity, while liquid biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel can be used as transportation fuels or blended with conventional fuels to reduce emissions.

How much electricity is generated from biomass each year?

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), in 2020, the world generated approximately 592 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity from biomass, which accounted for approximately 2% of global electricity generation.

Which country produce most elecricity from biomass?

As of 2021, the United States is the largest producer of biomass power in the world, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). The U.S. generates a significant amount of electricity from biomass, including wood and wood waste, agricultural residues, and municipal solid waste. In 2020, the U.S. generated approximately 64.8 TWh of electricity from biomass, accounting for approximately 2% of the country's total electricity generation.

Is biomass power environmentally friendly?

One advantage of biomass energy is that it can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by displacing fossil fuels, and it can also help reduce waste by using organic materials that might otherwise be discarded. However, like all energy sources, biomass has its own set of environmental and social impacts, and the sustainability of biomass production and use depends on factors such as the source of the biomass, the production methods used, and the overall energy system in which it is used.

Data Information

This data is a derivitive set of data gathered by source mentioned below.

Data Sources

Global Energy Observatory/Google/KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm/Enipedia/World Resources Institute/