Periodic Table: Elements with a Gas State
- 1 H
- 2 He
- 3 Li
- 4 Be
- 5 B
- 6 C
- 7 N
- 8 O
- 9 F
- 10 Ne
- 11 Na
- 12 Mg
- 13 Al
- 14 Si
- 15 P
- 16 S
- 17 Cl
- 18 Ar
- 19 K
- 20 Ca
- 21 Sc
- 22 Ti
- 23 V
- 24 Cr
- 25 Mn
- 26 Fe
- 27 Co
- 28 Ni
- 29 Cu
- 30 Zn
- 31 Ga
- 32 Ge
- 33 As
- 34 Se
- 35 Br
- 36 Kr
- 37 Rb
- 38 Sr
- 39 Y
- 40 Zr
- 41 Nb
- 42 Mo
- 43 Tc
- 44 Ru
- 45 Rh
- 46 Pd
- 47 Ag
- 48 Cd
- 49 In
- 50 Sn
- 51 Sb
- 52 Te
- 53 I
- 54 Xe
- 55 Cs
- 56 Ba
- 57-71
- 72 Hf
- 73 Ta
- 74 W
- 75 Re
- 76 Os
- 77 Ir
- 78 Pt
- 79 Au
- 80 Hg
- 81 Tl
- 82 Pb
- 83 Bi
- 84 Po
- 85 At
- 86 Rn
- 87 Fr
- 88 Ra
- 89-103
- 104 Rf
- 105 Db
- 106 Sg
- 107 Bh
- 108 Hs
- 109 Mt
- 110 Ds
- 111 Rg
- 112 Cn
- 113 Nh
- 114 Fl
- 115 Mc
- 116 Lv
- 117 Ts
- 118 Og
- 57 La
- 58 Ce
- 59 Pr
- 60 Nd
- 61 Pm
- 62 Sm
- 63 Eu
- 64 Gd
- 65 Tb
- 66 Dy
- 67 Ho
- 68 Er
- 69 Tm
- 70 Yb
- 71 Lu
- 89 Ac
- 90 Th
- 91 Ph
- 92 U
- 93 Np
- 94 Pu
- 95 Am
- 96 Cm
- 97 Bk
- 98 Cf
- 99 Es
- 100 Fm
- 101 Md
- 102 No
- 103 Lr
Selected Elements
Atomic # | Element | State | Type |
1 | Hydrogen | Gas | Reactive Nonmetal |
2 | Helium | Gas | Noble Gas |
7 | Nitrogen | Gas | Reactive Nonmetal |
8 | Oxygen | Gas | Reactive Nonmetal |
9 | Fluorine | Gas | Reactive Nonmetal |
10 | Neon | Gas | Noble Gas |
17 | Chlorine | Gas | Reactive Nonmetal |
18 | Argon | Gas | Noble Gas |
36 | Krypton | Gas | Noble Gas |
54 | Xenon | Gas | Noble Gas |
86 | Radon | Gas | Noble Gas |
History of the Periodic Table
The periodic table was first started by the russian cheist Dimitri Mendeleev in 1869 as a way of arranging chemical elements by its atomic mass. He designed the table to be extenisble and leave room for future discoveries of elements.
In 1869 Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev started the development of the periodic table, arranging chemical elements by atomic mass. He predicted the discovery of other elements, and left spaces open in his periodic table for them. In 1886 French physicist Antoine Bequerel first discovered radioactivity.
Common Questions
How old is the periodic table?
The periodic table was first conseved by Dimitri Mendeleev in 1869 and has seen many updates since then. Thus, the periodic table has existed for 155 years, to date.
When was the first element discovered?
Copper was the very first element on today's periodic table to be discovered by humanity. It was discovered by the early Mesopotamians in 9000 B.C. They first used copper primarily for tools, weapons, ornaments and later coins used for trading.
What is the latest added element to the periodic chart?
The periodic table was last updated in 2016 with four new chemical elements. These four elements are number 113 Nihonium, 115 Moscovium, 117 Tennessine and 118 Oganesson. They were discovered by research groups from Japan, Russia, and the United States.
Is there an element 119 on the periodic table?
How are elements on the periodic table sorted?
Elements in the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing atomic (proton) number. Elements with the same number of electron shells are arranged in the horizontal rows. While elements with similar properties are arranged in vertical columns.