๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ธ Population Deaths in Bahamas

In 2024, 3,519 people died in Bahamas, whereof 1,921 where male and 1,598 where female. That is a 1.12% increase of deaths in Bahamas when compared to privous year. In the future, the annual death count in Bahamas is set to increase to 5,128, by the year 2100.

Historic Population Deaths in Bahamas (1950-2024)

Bahamas has seen an increase of annual death count since the 1950's. From 975 to 3,519 deaths per year, an increase of 260.92% in total.

Year Deaths Male Deaths Female Deaths
1950 975 514 462
1951 958 504 455
1952 946 499 447
1953 941 494 447
1954 941 493 448
1955 946 495 451
1956 953 499 454
1957 964 506 458
1958 976 514 462
1959 993 525 468
1960 1,010 538 473
1961 1,033 553 480
1962 1,054 567 487
1963 1,076 583 493
1964 1,096 599 497
1965 1,115 612 502
1966 1,139 626 512
1967 1,155 638 518
1968 1,177 652 525
1969 1,198 666 532
1970 1,215 678 537
1971 1,225 685 539
1972 1,238 696 543
1973 1,242 698 543
1974 1,239 698 542
1975 1,229 693 536
1976 1,235 698 537
1977 1,254 712 542
1978 1,286 734 551
1979 1,320 758 562
1980 1,352 780 572
1981 1,372 792 580
1982 1,390 804 587
1983 1,409 817 592
1984 1,441 838 603
1985 1,484 866 617
1986 1,536 899 637
1987 1,585 928 657
1988 1,628 952 676
1989 1,663 971 692
1990 1,697 988 708
1991 1,727 1,002 724
1992 1,781 1,032 750
1993 1,825 1,057 768
1994 1,880 1,090 790
1995 1,941 1,128 813
1996 1,996 1,160 835
1997 2,039 1,183 856
1998 2,067 1,193 874
1999 2,085 1,196 889
2000 2,100 1,198 902
2001 2,126 1,209 917
2002 2,155 1,224 931
2003 2,196 1,247 950
2004 2,261 1,280 981
2005 2,311 1,310 1,002
2006 2,378 1,349 1,029
2007 2,455 1,394 1,061
2008 2,536 1,443 1,093
2009 2,613 1,487 1,126
2010 2,691 1,527 1,164
2011 2,747 1,553 1,194
2012 2,800 1,581 1,219
2013 2,837 1,603 1,233
2014 2,904 1,643 1,261
2015 3,018 1,696 1,322
2016 3,081 1,735 1,346
2017 3,171 1,780 1,391
2018 3,250 1,816 1,434
2019 3,679 1,959 1,720
2020 3,770 2,106 1,664
2021 4,463 2,423 2,040
2022 3,402 1,869 1,533
2023 3,480 1,910 1,571
2024 3,519 1,921 1,598

Future Population Deaths in Bahamas (2024-2100)

Bahamas's upward trend in deaths is set to increase even further in the future. When the number of yearly deaths for Bahamas will grow from 3,519 to 5,128. An additional increase of the annual death count by 45.72% from 2024 to 2100.

Year Deaths Male Deaths Female Deaths
2024 3,519 1,921 1,598
2025 3,579 1,946 1,633
2026 3,639 1,970 1,669
2027 3,695 1,993 1,702
2028 3,756 2,017 1,738
2029 3,810 2,039 1,771
2030 3,867 2,061 1,806
2031 3,924 2,083 1,841
2032 3,980 2,104 1,876
2033 4,035 2,125 1,911
2034 4,090 2,145 1,945
2035 4,144 2,165 1,979
2036 4,198 2,185 2,013
2037 4,253 2,205 2,047
2038 4,308 2,226 2,082
2039 4,361 2,246 2,115
2040 4,412 2,265 2,147
2041 4,467 2,286 2,181
2042 4,519 2,305 2,213
2043 4,573 2,327 2,247
2044 4,630 2,349 2,281
2045 4,681 2,368 2,313
2046 4,734 2,389 2,346
2047 4,789 2,409 2,380
2048 4,841 2,429 2,412
2049 4,890 2,447 2,443
2050 4,941 2,465 2,476
2051 4,991 2,483 2,508
2052 5,037 2,497 2,540
2053 5,083 2,511 2,572
2054 5,123 2,522 2,601
2055 5,160 2,531 2,629
2056 5,194 2,539 2,655
2057 5,226 2,546 2,680
2058 5,257 2,553 2,704
2059 5,283 2,557 2,726
2060 5,306 2,561 2,744
2061 5,325 2,564 2,761
2062 5,340 2,565 2,775
2063 5,354 2,566 2,788
2064 5,365 2,567 2,798
2065 5,372 2,566 2,807
2066 5,377 2,564 2,813
2067 5,383 2,564 2,820
2068 5,388 2,564 2,825
2069 5,395 2,565 2,829
2070 5,401 2,567 2,833
2071 5,407 2,569 2,838
2072 5,415 2,574 2,842
2073 5,426 2,579 2,847
2074 5,432 2,582 2,850
2075 5,439 2,587 2,853
2076 5,447 2,591 2,856
2077 5,458 2,597 2,861
2078 5,461 2,598 2,863
2079 5,463 2,598 2,864
2080 5,464 2,598 2,866
2081 5,464 2,598 2,866
2082 5,460 2,596 2,864
2083 5,456 2,594 2,862
2084 5,453 2,592 2,860
2085 5,445 2,588 2,857
2086 5,431 2,581 2,850
2087 5,417 2,575 2,842
2088 5,403 2,569 2,834
2089 5,385 2,561 2,824
2090 5,366 2,553 2,813
2091 5,344 2,544 2,800
2092 5,319 2,534 2,785
2093 5,297 2,525 2,772
2094 5,272 2,516 2,756
2095 5,249 2,506 2,742
2096 5,227 2,499 2,728
2097 5,203 2,488 2,714
2098 5,173 2,476 2,697
2099 5,152 2,468 2,684
2100 5,128 2,458 2,670

Data Information

Data found on this page is based on the medium fertility variant of the United Nations Revision of World Population Prospects 2024.

Data Published: 2024-07-11

Data Sources

The United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Population Division)

UN Revision of World Population Prospects 2024

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