๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ด Population Deaths in Faroe Islands

In 2024, 553 people died in Faroe Islands, whereof 300 where male and 253 where female. That is a -1.95% decrease of deaths in Faroe Islands when compared to privous year. In the future, the annual death count in Faroe Islands is set to increase to 695, by the year 2100.

Historic Population Deaths in Faroe Islands (1950-2024)

Faroe Islands has seen an increase of annual death count since the 1950's. From 415 to 553 deaths per year, an increase of 33.25% in total.

Year Deaths Male Deaths Female Deaths
1950 415 217 198
1951 398 210 189
1952 383 202 180
1953 364 193 171
1954 346 185 161
1955 329 178 151
1956 312 171 141
1957 295 164 132
1958 283 159 125
1959 273 154 119
1960 266 151 115
1961 261 149 112
1962 258 148 110
1963 257 149 108
1964 258 150 108
1965 259 152 108
1966 261 153 108
1967 263 154 109
1968 265 154 111
1969 267 154 113
1970 270 154 116
1971 272 155 117
1972 276 158 119
1973 280 160 120
1974 284 161 123
1975 288 163 125
1976 292 164 128
1977 295 166 129
1978 299 168 131
1979 306 171 136
1980 313 174 138
1981 320 180 141
1982 328 185 143
1983 337 191 145
1984 345 197 148
1985 353 202 151
1986 358 205 153
1987 362 207 155
1988 366 208 157
1989 368 209 160
1990 372 209 162
1991 373 208 164
1992 373 207 167
1993 376 206 170
1994 379 206 173
1995 382 206 176
1996 386 206 180
1997 390 207 183
1998 394 208 187
1999 398 208 190
2000 403 209 194
2001 409 212 197
2002 417 216 201
2003 425 221 204
2004 435 227 209
2005 446 233 212
2006 452 237 216
2007 459 240 219
2008 464 243 222
2009 470 245 224
2010 477 249 228
2011 481 246 235
2012 485 249 236
2013 491 253 238
2014 499 257 242
2015 510 262 247
2016 511 265 246
2017 517 271 247
2018 523 275 248
2019 532 280 252
2020 546 288 258
2021 579 308 271
2022 614 331 284
2023 564 305 259
2024 553 300 253

Future Population Deaths in Faroe Islands (2024-2100)

Faroe Islands's upward trend in deaths is set to increase even further in the future. When the number of yearly deaths for Faroe Islands will grow from 553 to 695. An additional increase of the annual death count by 25.68% from 2024 to 2100.

Year Deaths Male Deaths Female Deaths
2024 553 300 253
2025 547 298 249
2026 543 296 246
2027 539 295 244
2028 537 294 243
2029 536 293 243
2030 536 293 243
2031 536 292 244
2032 538 292 245
2033 540 292 247
2034 542 293 249
2035 544 293 251
2036 547 293 254
2037 550 293 256
2038 553 294 259
2039 556 295 261
2040 559 295 264
2041 562 296 266
2042 565 297 268
2043 568 298 270
2044 571 299 272
2045 575 300 274
2046 578 302 276
2047 581 303 278
2048 584 305 279
2049 588 307 281
2050 591 308 282
2051 594 310 284
2052 597 312 285
2053 600 314 286
2054 603 315 287
2055 605 317 288
2056 606 318 289
2057 608 319 289
2058 609 320 289
2059 611 321 290
2060 611 322 290
2061 612 322 289
2062 612 323 290
2063 613 323 290
2064 613 324 290
2065 614 324 290
2066 614 324 290
2067 615 325 290
2068 616 326 290
2069 618 327 291
2070 619 328 291
2071 621 329 292
2072 623 330 293
2073 626 331 295
2074 628 333 296
2075 632 334 297
2076 635 336 299
2077 638 338 300
2078 640 339 301
2079 643 340 303
2080 646 342 304
2081 649 344 305
2082 653 346 307
2083 655 347 308
2084 658 348 310
2085 661 350 311
2086 663 351 312
2087 666 353 313
2088 668 354 314
2089 671 355 316
2090 673 356 317
2091 675 357 318
2092 677 358 319
2093 680 359 321
2094 682 359 323
2095 685 360 325
2096 688 361 327
2097 690 361 329
2098 693 361 332
2099 694 361 333
2100 695 360 335

Data Information

Data found on this page is based on the medium fertility variant of the United Nations Revision of World Population Prospects 2024.

Data Published: 2024-07-11

Data Sources

The United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Population Division)

UN Revision of World Population Prospects 2024

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