๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ด Population Density of Faroe Islands

The current population density of Faroe Islands is 39.9996 people per square kilometer. A 1.25% increase from 2023, when the population density only was 39.5043 people/kmยฒ. In the future, Faroe Islands's population density is projected to increase to 45.6686 people/kmยฒ, by the year 2100. A total increase of the population density of Faroe Islands by 14.17% from today's standard.

Historic Population Density of Faroe Islands (1950-2024)

Faroe Islands has seen an increase of population density since the 1950's. From 22.8621 people/kmยฒ to 39.9996 people/kmยฒ, an increase of 74.96% in total.

Year Population Density (people/kmยฒ) Population
1950 22.8621 31,664
1951 23.0347 31,903
1952 23.1159 32,016
1953 23.1361 32,043
1954 23.1538 32,067
1955 23.1856 32,112
1956 23.3386 32,323
1957 23.6289 32,726
1958 23.952 33,173
1959 24.2971 33,651
1960 24.6408 34,127
1961 24.9513 34,557
1962 25.244 34,963
1963 25.5531 35,391
1964 25.8827 35,847
1965 26.2433 36,347
1966 26.5823 36,816
1967 26.8603 37,202
1968 27.1191 37,560
1969 27.3693 37,907
1970 27.6307 38,269
1971 27.9444 38,703
1972 28.2834 39,172
1973 28.6184 39,636
1974 28.9574 40,106
1975 29.2906 40,568
1976 29.617 41,020
1977 29.9412 41,468
1978 30.3018 41,968
1979 30.7011 42,521
1980 31.0986 43,072
1981 31.4986 43,626
1982 31.8924 44,171
1983 32.2531 44,670
1984 32.5928 45,141
1985 32.9079 45,578
1986 33.2141 46,002
1987 33.544 46,458
1988 33.9014 46,953
1989 34.3025 47,509
1990 34.2939 47,497
1991 33.8022 46,816
1992 33.2292 46,022
1993 32.5881 45,135
1994 31.8921 44,170
1995 31.652 43,838
1996 31.8968 44,177
1997 32.1588 44,540
1998 32.4144 44,894
1999 32.6466 45,215
2000 32.9693 45,663
2001 33.3863 46,240
2002 33.8101 46,827
2003 34.2408 47,423
2004 34.6697 48,017
2005 34.9173 48,361
2006 34.9657 48,428
2007 34.9993 48,474
2008 35.0166 48,498
2009 35.0097 48,489
2010 34.7794 48,170
2011 34.6094 47,934
2012 34.7227 48,091
2013 34.8588 48,279
2014 35.0112 48,490
2015 35.3022 48,894
2016 35.7563 49,522
2017 36.2765 50,243
2018 36.8477 51,034
2019 37.4307 51,842
2020 37.9686 52,586
2021 38.4838 53,300
2022 38.9971 54,011
2023 39.5043 54,714
2024 39.9996 55,400

Future Population Density of Faroe Islands (2024-2100)

Faroe Islands's positive trend in population density is set to increase even further in the future. Where the population density will grow from 39.9996 people/kmยฒ to 45.6686 people/kmยฒ. An additional increase increase of 14.17% from 2024 to 2100.

Year Population Density (people/kmยฒ) Population
2024 39.9996 55,400
2025 40.4343 56,002
2026 40.8134 56,526
2027 41.1625 57,010
2028 41.4733 57,440
2029 41.7556 57,831
2030 42.0264 58,206
2031 42.2838 58,563
2032 42.5289 58,903
2033 42.7606 59,224
2034 42.9787 59,526
2035 43.1776 59,801
2036 43.3722 60,071
2037 43.561 60,332
2038 43.7375 60,577
2039 43.9061 60,810
2040 44.0718 61,039
2041 44.2386 61,270
2042 44.4014 61,496
2043 44.5574 61,712
2044 44.7137 61,928
2045 44.8621 62,134
2046 45.0022 62,328
2047 45.1484 62,531
2048 45.2841 62,718
2049 45.3964 62,874
2050 45.513 63,036
2051 45.6242 63,190
2052 45.7177 63,319
2053 45.8072 63,443
2054 45.8866 63,553
2055 45.9523 63,644
2056 46.0061 63,718
2057 46.0617 63,795
2058 46.1224 63,880
2059 46.1751 63,952
2060 46.2314 64,030
2061 46.2935 64,116
2062 46.3473 64,191
2063 46.4083 64,275
2064 46.4729 64,364
2065 46.5314 64,446
2066 46.5783 64,510
2067 46.6126 64,558
2068 46.6538 64,616
2069 46.7004 64,680
2070 46.7477 64,745
2071 46.7881 64,802
2072 46.8209 64,846
2073 46.8534 64,891
2074 46.8834 64,933
2075 46.9184 64,982
2076 46.9458 65,019
2077 46.9606 65,040
2078 46.9722 65,056
2079 46.9751 65,060
2080 46.9686 65,052
2081 46.9534 65,030
2082 46.9292 64,997
2083 46.9018 64,959
2084 46.8758 64,923
2085 46.8404 64,873
2086 46.7971 64,813
2087 46.7495 64,748
2088 46.6899 64,665
2089 46.6242 64,574
2090 46.5556 64,480
2091 46.4852 64,382
2092 46.4087 64,275
2093 46.3274 64,164
2094 46.248 64,054
2095 46.1599 63,932
2096 46.0736 63,812
2097 45.9845 63,688
2098 45.8816 63,546
2099 45.7769 63,401
2100 45.6686 63,251

Common Questions in Regards to Population Density

What is Population Density?

Population density is a measurement of population per unit of land area. The metric is mostly used in regards to human populations, while sometimes utilized for animal life forms and other organisms. On this page we make use of the population per square kilometer (people/kmยฒ) to illustrate the population density of Faroe Islands.

What useful information can be derived from Population Density?

The population density is a useful metric for understanding and visualize how populated a country, region or territory is, in general. It's also important to understand that most countries are highly populated in specific regions. While the population density only take people per square kilometers, spaced out evenly throughout the total area, into account.

How is Population Density calculated?

Population density indicates the number of people per unit of land area. In this case, the population density is calculated in square kilometers (kmยฒ) of Faroe Islands's area.

Population Density Formula

Population Density = population / land area in kmยฒ

Data Information

Data found on this page is based on the medium fertility variant of the United Nations Revision of World Population Prospects 2024.

Data Published: 2024-07-11

Data Sources

The United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Population Division)

UN Revision of World Population Prospects 2024

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