๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ต Population Density of Guadeloupe

The current population density of Guadeloupe is 230.4091 people per square kilometer. A -0.37% decrease from 2023, when the population density was 231.2755 people/kmยฒ. In the future, Guadeloupe's population density is projected to decrease to 150.1576 people/kmยฒ, by the year 2100. A total increase of the population density of Guadeloupe by -34.83% from today's standard.

Historic Population Density of Guadeloupe (1950-2024)

Guadeloupe has seen an increase of population density since the 1950's. From 132.3802 people/kmยฒ to 230.4091 people/kmยฒ, an increase of 74.05% in total.

Year Population Density (people/kmยฒ) Population
1950 132.3802 215,515
1951 134.8661 219,562
1952 138.5943 225,631
1953 142.4871 231,969
1954 146.4284 238,386
1955 150.3572 244,781
1956 154.3467 251,276
1957 158.4545 257,964
1958 162.6981 264,872
1959 167.0958 272,032
1960 171.6382 279,427
1961 175.9122 286,385
1962 179.3633 292,003
1963 182.1468 296,535
1964 184.6545 300,618
1965 187.0783 304,563
1966 189.4954 308,498
1967 191.7359 312,146
1968 193.4248 314,896
1969 194.5587 316,741
1970 195.3999 318,111
1971 195.9932 319,077
1972 196.3596 319,674
1973 196.5593 319,998
1974 196.9119 320,572
1975 198.0694 322,457
1976 199.8163 325,301
1977 201.2942 327,707
1978 202.2758 329,305
1979 202.941 330,388
1980 203.4463 331,211
1981 204.242 332,506
1982 206.2758 335,817
1983 209.6944 341,382
1984 213.7528 347,990
1985 217.9936 354,894
1986 222.3062 361,914
1987 226.6296 368,953
1988 230.9524 375,990
1989 235.1379 382,805
1990 238.8286 388,813
1991 241.8805 393,782
1992 244.5688 398,158
1993 247.125 402,320
1994 249.5845 406,324
1995 251.9558 410,184
1996 254.2537 413,925
1997 256.5025 417,586
1998 258.2712 420,466
1999 258.5577 420,932
2000 257.7196 419,568
2001 256.6545 417,834
2002 255.3793 415,758
2003 253.9426 413,418
2004 252.3673 410,854
2005 250.6612 408,076
2006 250.1345 407,219
2007 250.7961 408,296
2008 251.2156 408,979
2009 251.2236 408,992
2010 251.113 408,812
2011 251.2614 409,054
2012 251.3222 409,152
2013 250.8363 408,361
2014 249.7792 406,640
2015 248.1268 403,950
2016 248.5464 404,634
2017 253.4966 412,692
2018 255.0246 415,180
2019 252.0003 410,257
2020 250.242 407,394
2021 245.1787 399,151
2022 236.3007 384,698
2023 231.2755 376,516
2024 230.4091 375,106

Future Population Density of Guadeloupe (2024-2100)

Guadeloupe's positive trend in population density is set to decrease even further in the future. Where the population density will grow from 230.4091 people/kmยฒ to 150.1576 people/kmยฒ. An additional increase decrease of -34.83% from 2024 to 2100.

Year Population Density (people/kmยฒ) Population
2024 230.4091 375,106
2025 229.6014 373,791
2026 228.7795 372,453
2027 227.9284 371,068
2028 227.0064 369,567
2029 226.0298 367,976
2030 225.0264 366,343
2031 223.9905 364,656
2032 222.9377 362,942
2033 221.9143 361,276
2034 220.8695 359,575
2035 219.8265 357,878
2036 218.8639 356,310
2037 217.8606 354,677
2038 216.7561 352,879
2039 215.5746 350,955
2040 214.3661 348,988
2041 213.1201 346,960
2042 211.8421 344,879
2043 210.5418 342,762
2044 209.2138 340,600
2045 207.824 338,337
2046 206.4026 336,024
2047 204.9736 333,697
2048 203.5169 331,325
2049 202.0129 328,877
2050 200.441 326,318
2051 198.8756 323,770
2052 197.3314 321,256
2053 195.7712 318,716
2054 194.1465 316,070
2055 192.5255 313,432
2056 190.9509 310,868
2057 189.4017 308,346
2058 187.891 305,886
2059 186.4137 303,481
2060 184.9162 301,044
2061 183.4291 298,622
2062 181.9871 296,275
2063 180.6462 294,092
2064 179.3897 292,046
2065 178.105 289,955
2066 176.8572 287,924
2067 175.7168 286,067
2068 174.6419 284,317
2069 173.5814 282,591
2070 172.5547 280,919
2071 171.5955 279,358
2072 170.6963 277,894
2073 169.8523 276,520
2074 169.0464 275,207
2075 168.2859 273,969
2076 167.5547 272,779
2077 166.8363 271,610
2078 166.1351 270,468
2079 165.4217 269,307
2080 164.7125 268,152
2081 164.0104 267,009
2082 163.3191 265,884
2083 162.6364 264,772
2084 161.9742 263,694
2085 161.2988 262,594
2086 160.6014 261,459
2087 159.9272 260,361
2088 159.2479 259,255
2089 158.5396 258,103
2090 157.8381 256,961
2091 157.1256 255,800
2092 156.3814 254,589
2093 155.613 253,338
2094 154.8455 252,089
2095 154.1075 250,887
2096 153.351 249,655
2097 152.563 248,372
2098 151.746 247,042
2099 150.9453 245,739
2100 150.1576 244,457

Common Questions in Regards to Population Density

What is Population Density?

Population density is a measurement of population per unit of land area. The metric is mostly used in regards to human populations, while sometimes utilized for animal life forms and other organisms. On this page we make use of the population per square kilometer (people/kmยฒ) to illustrate the population density of Guadeloupe.

What useful information can be derived from Population Density?

The population density is a useful metric for understanding and visualize how populated a country, region or territory is, in general. It's also important to understand that most countries are highly populated in specific regions. While the population density only take people per square kilometers, spaced out evenly throughout the total area, into account.

How is Population Density calculated?

Population density indicates the number of people per unit of land area. In this case, the population density is calculated in square kilometers (kmยฒ) of Guadeloupe's area.

Population Density Formula

Population Density = population / land area in kmยฒ

Data Information

Data found on this page is based on the medium fertility variant of the United Nations Revision of World Population Prospects 2024.

Data Published: 2024-07-11

Data Sources

The United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Population Division)

UN Revision of World Population Prospects 2024

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