๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ท Total Fertility Rate of Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Total Fertility Rate
Crude Birth Rate
Overall Births

The current population fertility rate of Iran (Islamic Republic of) is 1.6842 births per woman. A -0.65% decrease from 2023, when the fertility rate was 1.6952 births per woman. In the future, Iran (Islamic Republic of)'s fertility rate is projected to decrease to 1.6359 childern born per woman, by the year 2100. A total decrease of the fertility rate of Iran (Islamic Republic of)'s by -2.87% from today's standard.

Historic Total Fertility Rate of Iran (Islamic Republic of) (1950-2024)

Iran (Islamic Republic of) has seen a decrease of the population fertility rate since the 1950's. From 6.9699 to 1.6842 births per woman, a decrease of -75.84% in total.

Year Total Fertility Rate (births per woman) Crude Birth Rate Overall Births
1950 6.9699 50.763 838,122
1951 6.9768 50.854 860,512
1952 7.0051 51.073 885,830
1953 7.0258 51.171 909,733
1954 7.0485 51.164 932,530
1955 7.1514 51.646 965,812
1956 7.2491 51.957 997,803
1957 7.3537 52.2 1,029,743
1958 7.4579 52.257 1,059,076
1959 7.5715 52.175 1,087,680
1960 7.5189 50.991 1,094,794
1961 7.4593 49.823 1,102,361
1962 7.4012 48.767 1,112,273
1963 7.3168 47.657 1,120,840
1964 7.2373 46.69 1,132,823
1965 7.222 46.265 1,158,343
1966 7.2136 46.022 1,188,719
1967 7.1901 45.776 1,218,945
1968 7.1186 45.314 1,243,309
1969 7.007 44.694 1,263,644
1970 6.7981 43.589 1,270,418
1971 6.5489 42.362 1,272,084
1972 6.2568 40.894 1,264,479
1973 6.0612 40.103 1,276,873
1974 5.9684 39.969 1,310,826
1975 5.9472 40.263 1,361,014
1976 6.0657 41.386 1,441,788
1977 6.1788 42.243 1,517,941
1978 6.3442 43.394 1,611,066
1979 6.5486 44.702 1,717,676
1980 6.6304 45.143 1,798,585
1981 6.6176 44.24 1,857,625
1982 6.5863 45.213 2,001,681
1983 6.5285 44.68 2,056,591
1984 6.4334 43.92 2,099,105
1985 6.2416 42.394 2,102,014
1986 6.0113 40.706 2,094,176
1987 5.7186 38.818 2,069,904
1988 5.4337 37.019 2,038,749
1989 5.1719 35.186 1,995,229
1990 4.9338 33.466 1,953,743
1991 4.5683 31.184 1,870,627
1992 4.0988 28.333 1,733,584
1993 3.6744 25.722 1,579,425
1994 3.2437 21.965 1,351,274
1995 2.8515 19.541 1,215,585
1996 2.5417 17.742 1,115,652
1997 2.323 16.622 1,057,842
1998 2.19 16.207 1,045,683
1999 2.0893 16.07 1,051,709
2000 1.9992 15.966 1,060,427
2001 1.9176 15.935 1,074,860
2002 1.8359 15.947 1,084,609
2003 1.8006 15.878 1,091,911
2004 1.7803 16.176 1,136,441
2005 1.756 16.385 1,176,881
2006 1.755 16.725 1,227,485
2007 1.7483 16.971 1,266,093
2008 1.7433 17.095 1,290,890
2009 1.7396 17.157 1,311,757
2010 1.7487 17.276 1,337,544
2011 1.7918 17.673 1,385,254
2012 1.851 18.138 1,439,653
2013 1.9127 18.531 1,490,131
2014 1.9751 18.828 1,534,518
2015 2.0174 18.879 1,559,766
2016 2.0537 18.787 1,574,609
2017 2.0228 18.045 1,534,302
2018 1.9186 16.664 1,435,027
2019 1.7662 14.918 1,298,600
2020 1.6997 14.008 1,228,854
2021 1.7086 13.687 1,210,703
2022 1.7035 13.314 1,191,945
2023 1.6952 12.951 1,173,463
2024 1.6842 12.571 1,151,057

Future Total Fertility Rate of Iran (Islamic Republic of) (2024-2100)

Iran (Islamic Republic of)'s negative downward trend in fertility rate is set to decrease even further in the future. From 1.6842 to an average of 1.6359 children born per woman. An additional decrease of -2.87% from 2024 to 2100.

Year Total Fertility Rate (births per woman) Crude Birth Rate Overall Births
2024 1.6842 12.571 1,151,057
2025 1.6699 12.175 1,125,230
2026 1.6584 11.825 1,101,751
2027 1.6511 11.533 1,082,259
2028 1.6446 11.277 1,064,974
2029 1.6394 11.06 1,050,538
2030 1.6331 10.869 1,037,833
2031 1.6292 10.727 1,029,391
2032 1.6266 10.629 1,024,789
2033 1.627 10.58 1,024,685
2034 1.6293 10.568 1,027,925
2035 1.6299 10.562 1,031,654
2036 1.6299 10.562 1,035,846
2037 1.6287 10.558 1,039,509
2038 1.6273 10.551 1,042,720
2039 1.6266 10.543 1,045,704
2040 1.6284 10.542 1,049,209
2041 1.629 10.525 1,050,911
2042 1.6285 10.488 1,050,546
2043 1.6293 10.447 1,049,479
2044 1.6276 10.374 1,045,093
2045 1.6276 10.299 1,040,087
2046 1.6288 10.214 1,033,837
2047 1.6284 10.102 1,024,588
2048 1.6288 9.981 1,014,047
2049 1.6264 9.829 1,000,038
2050 1.6259 9.676 985,602
2051 1.6273 9.527 971,154
2052 1.6294 9.374 956,006
2053 1.6321 9.221 940,465
2054 1.6325 9.055 923,279
2055 1.6321 8.889 905,723
2056 1.6325 8.735 889,084
2057 1.6333 8.594 873,450
2058 1.6337 8.466 858,887
2059 1.6341 8.356 845,923
2060 1.6342 8.262 834,245
2061 1.6354 8.195 824,997
2062 1.6328 8.127 815,477
2063 1.6356 8.105 810,302
2064 1.6357 8.085 805,208
2065 1.6383 8.094 802,598
2066 1.64 8.113 800,871
2067 1.6394 8.132 798,943
2068 1.6381 8.156 797,335
2069 1.6383 8.193 796,663
2070 1.6368 8.224 795,286
2071 1.6364 8.261 794,313
2072 1.6371 8.3 793,469
2073 1.6354 8.324 790,972
2074 1.6337 8.341 787,690
2075 1.6338 8.361 784,570
2076 1.6321 8.362 779,697
2077 1.6343 8.374 775,833
2078 1.6333 8.36 769,429
2079 1.6334 8.341 762,716
2080 1.6306 8.298 753,829
2081 1.6312 8.263 745,770
2082 1.6306 8.215 736,627
2083 1.6315 8.168 727,662
2084 1.6306 8.107 717,546
2085 1.6309 8.048 707,784
2086 1.6318 7.99 698,271
2087 1.6303 7.92 687,792
2088 1.6305 7.861 678,426
2089 1.6314 7.808 669,732
2090 1.6346 7.771 662,495
2091 1.6336 7.721 654,194
2092 1.6337 7.683 647,029
2093 1.6359 7.663 641,402
2094 1.635 7.637 635,250
2095 1.6352 7.624 630,261
2096 1.6348 7.617 625,687
2097 1.6373 7.63 622,796
2098 1.6379 7.641 619,709
2099 1.6378 7.655 616,835
2100 1.6359 7.663 613,421

How is Total Fertility Rate calculated?

A population's fertility rate is most commonly calculated as Total Total Fertility Rate or TFR for short. The Total Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is a standard demographic indicator that is used internationally to estimate the average number of children born per woman in a population. It is calculated by adding up all the age-specific fertility rates, multiplying this sum by five (the width of the age-group interval), and then dividing by 1,000.

Total Fertility Rate Formula

Total Total Fertility Rate = (Sum of ASFR x 5 ) / 1,000

Data Information

Data found on this page is based on the medium fertility variant of the United Nations Revision of World Population Prospects 2024.

Data Published: 2024-07-11

Data Sources

The United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Population Division)

UN Revision of World Population Prospects 2024

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