๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฒ Total Fertility Rate of Isle of Man

Total Fertility Rate
Crude Birth Rate
Overall Births

The current population fertility rate of Isle of Man is 1.5441 births per woman. A -0.26% decrease from 2023, when the fertility rate was 1.5482 births per woman. In the future, Isle of Man's fertility rate is projected to increase to 1.5843 childern born per woman, by the year 2100. A total increase of the fertility rate of Isle of Man's by 2.6% from today's standard.

Historic Total Fertility Rate of Isle of Man (1950-2024)

Isle of Man has seen a decrease of the population fertility rate since the 1950's. From 2.4069 to 1.5441 births per woman, a decrease of -35.85% in total.

Year Total Fertility Rate (births per woman) Crude Birth Rate Overall Births
1950 2.4069 16.097 887
1951 2.3571 15.697 864
1952 2.2787 14.942 816
1953 2.1734 13.952 754
1954 2.0624 12.939 692
1955 1.9487 11.928 630
1956 2.0714 12.344 643
1957 2.1708 12.571 645
1958 2.3642 13.279 671
1959 2.4201 13.155 654
1960 2.6822 14.157 692
1961 2.6876 13.678 663
1962 2.6342 13.236 644
1963 2.6236 13.185 648
1964 2.6267 13.222 656
1965 2.5387 12.826 642
1966 2.4617 12.464 633
1967 2.4469 12.545 649
1968 2.4472 12.768 675
1969 2.5123 13.327 721
1970 2.5659 13.824 764
1971 2.512 13.77 777
1972 2.4542 13.748 789
1973 2.3636 13.499 786
1974 2.2633 13.123 776
1975 2.1603 12.684 761
1976 2.083 12.358 751
1977 2.0235 12.139 747
1978 1.9877 12.047 752
1979 1.9601 11.985 758
1980 1.9539 12.045 772
1981 1.9409 12.123 783
1982 1.9147 12.037 779
1983 1.888 11.893 769
1984 1.8654 11.754 758
1985 1.8797 11.833 762
1986 1.8918 11.81 764
1987 1.9093 12.066 791
1988 1.9207 12.37 825
1989 1.9263 12.618 855
1990 1.9588 13.019 897
1991 1.978 13.351 932
1992 1.9736 13.46 947
1993 1.9459 13.343 944
1994 1.9152 13.153 936
1995 1.923 13.175 942
1996 1.9306 13.1 944
1997 1.9257 13.036 950
1998 1.901 12.863 950
1999 1.8582 12.525 937
2000 1.8659 12.487 945
2001 1.8696 12.39 948
2002 1.8633 12.164 940
2003 1.8403 11.818 922
2004 1.8261 11.543 909
2005 1.8628 11.598 922
2006 1.9046 11.674 937
2007 1.9274 11.664 947
2008 1.941 11.626 954
2009 1.9374 11.486 953
2010 1.9284 11.312 949
2011 1.9026 11.095 936
2012 1.8644 10.763 908
2013 1.8241 10.418 877
2014 1.7898 10.113 848
2015 1.7478 9.769 817
2016 1.7126 9.436 788
2017 1.6742 9.193 769
2018 1.6362 8.995 754
2019 1.6064 8.826 741
2020 1.5853 8.683 730
2021 1.5685 8.54 718
2022 1.5558 8.437 710
2023 1.5482 8.34 702
2024 1.5441 8.277 697

Future Total Fertility Rate of Isle of Man (2024-2100)

Isle of Man's positive upward trend in fertility rate is set to increase even further in the future. From 1.5441 to an average of 1.5843 children born per woman. An additional increase of 2.6% from 2024 to 2100.

Year Total Fertility Rate (births per woman) Crude Birth Rate Overall Births
2024 1.5441 8.277 697
2025 1.5323 8.174 688
2026 1.5258 8.113 682
2027 1.5219 8.081 678
2028 1.5166 8.053 675
2029 1.5159 8.067 675
2030 1.5138 8.085 676
2031 1.5147 8.127 678
2032 1.5132 8.162 680
2033 1.5146 8.218 683
2034 1.5159 8.275 686
2035 1.5176 8.334 689
2036 1.5202 8.39 692
2037 1.521 8.43 693
2038 1.5217 8.466 694
2039 1.5212 8.479 693
2040 1.5214 8.485 692
2041 1.5225 8.483 689
2042 1.5247 8.469 685
2043 1.5264 8.429 679
2044 1.5275 8.354 670
2045 1.5297 8.267 660
2046 1.5288 8.159 649
2047 1.5312 8.072 639
2048 1.5333 7.978 629
2049 1.5353 7.892 619
2050 1.5361 7.802 608
2051 1.5388 7.733 599
2052 1.5386 7.656 590
2053 1.5402 7.617 584
2054 1.5414 7.593 579
2055 1.5431 7.581 575
2056 1.5454 7.582 572
2057 1.5483 7.593 569
2058 1.5479 7.597 566
2059 1.5493 7.621 564
2060 1.5526 7.662 564
2061 1.5545 7.693 562
2062 1.5554 7.722 561
2063 1.5573 7.759 560
2064 1.5567 7.782 558
2065 1.5562 7.8 556
2066 1.5585 7.84 555
2067 1.5579 7.856 553
2068 1.5611 7.893 552
2069 1.5611 7.905 550
2070 1.5625 7.915 547
2071 1.563 7.922 545
2072 1.5639 7.921 541
2073 1.5642 7.906 537
2074 1.5672 7.899 534
2075 1.5676 7.872 529
2076 1.5687 7.838 524
2077 1.5693 7.802 519
2078 1.5701 7.761 513
2079 1.5705 7.714 507
2080 1.5724 7.676 502
2081 1.5724 7.632 497
2082 1.5737 7.596 492
2083 1.5724 7.549 486
2084 1.5744 7.523 482
2085 1.5739 7.489 477
2086 1.5739 7.461 472
2087 1.5767 7.447 468
2088 1.5762 7.428 465
2089 1.5774 7.421 461
2090 1.578 7.416 458
2091 1.5762 7.408 455
2092 1.5769 7.416 453
2093 1.5795 7.435 451
2094 1.5803 7.446 449
2095 1.5829 7.473 448
2096 1.5853 7.501 447
2097 1.5863 7.519 445
2098 1.5859 7.527 443
2099 1.5849 7.535 440
2100 1.5843 7.542 438

How is Total Fertility Rate calculated?

A population's fertility rate is most commonly calculated as Total Total Fertility Rate or TFR for short. The Total Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is a standard demographic indicator that is used internationally to estimate the average number of children born per woman in a population. It is calculated by adding up all the age-specific fertility rates, multiplying this sum by five (the width of the age-group interval), and then dividing by 1,000.

Total Fertility Rate Formula

Total Total Fertility Rate = (Sum of ASFR x 5 ) / 1,000

Data Information

Data found on this page is based on the medium fertility variant of the United Nations Revision of World Population Prospects 2024.

Data Published: 2024-07-11

Data Sources

The United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Population Division)

UN Revision of World Population Prospects 2024

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