๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ด Population Density of Norway

The current population density of Norway is 18.3306 people per square kilometer. A 1.04% increase from 2023, when the population density only was 18.1417 people/kmยฒ. In the future, Norway's population density is projected to decrease to 17.7947 people/kmยฒ, by the year 2100. A total increase of the population density of Norway by -2.92% from today's standard.

Historic Population Density of Norway (1950-2024)

Norway has seen an increase of population density since the 1950's. From 10.7328 people/kmยฒ to 18.3306 people/kmยฒ, an increase of 70.79% in total.

Year Population Density (people/kmยฒ) Population
1950 10.7328 3,265,191
1951 10.8339 3,295,961
1952 10.9387 3,327,838
1953 11.0478 3,361,028
1954 11.1575 3,394,390
1955 11.2697 3,428,526
1956 11.3766 3,461,066
1957 11.4782 3,491,980
1958 11.5802 3,523,003
1959 11.6782 3,552,817
1960 11.7713 3,581,121
1961 11.865 3,609,656
1962 11.961 3,638,841
1963 12.0519 3,666,498
1964 12.1433 3,694,320
1965 12.2382 3,723,172
1966 12.3355 3,752,788
1967 12.4385 3,784,110
1968 12.5436 3,816,088
1969 12.6462 3,847,304
1970 12.7384 3,875,346
1971 12.8285 3,902,751
1972 12.9276 3,932,908
1973 13.0186 3,960,593
1974 13.0997 3,985,280
1975 13.1723 4,007,366
1976 13.2343 4,026,220
1977 13.2903 4,043,262
1978 13.341 4,058,674
1979 13.3864 4,072,500
1980 13.4295 4,085,604
1981 13.4757 4,099,671
1982 13.5253 4,114,736
1983 13.57 4,128,336
1984 13.6082 4,139,971
1985 13.6491 4,152,399
1986 13.6979 4,167,252
1987 13.7622 4,186,823
1988 13.8367 4,209,470
1989 13.894 4,226,913
1990 13.9417 4,241,440
1991 14.0081 4,261,623
1992 14.0891 4,286,260
1993 14.1732 4,311,862
1994 14.2541 4,336,467
1995 14.3281 4,358,992
1996 14.4009 4,381,134
1997 14.4793 4,404,986
1998 14.5659 4,431,313
1999 14.666 4,461,787
2000 14.7616 4,490,867
2001 14.8365 4,513,657
2002 14.9166 4,538,014
2003 15.0042 4,564,669
2004 15.0932 4,591,742
2005 15.1963 4,623,124
2006 15.3192 4,660,494
2007 15.4787 4,709,010
2008 15.6729 4,768,101
2009 15.8718 4,828,623
2010 16.0708 4,889,162
2011 16.2806 4,952,968
2012 16.4958 5,018,458
2013 16.6985 5,080,124
2014 16.8868 5,137,395
2015 17.0589 5,189,771
2016 17.2108 5,235,983
2017 17.345 5,276,802
2018 17.4599 5,311,752
2019 17.5782 5,347,730
2020 17.6818 5,379,274
2021 17.7766 5,408,090
2022 17.9367 5,456,801
2023 18.1417 5,519,167
2024 18.3306 5,576,660

Future Population Density of Norway (2024-2100)

Norway's positive trend in population density is set to decrease even further in the future. Where the population density will grow from 18.3306 people/kmยฒ to 17.7947 people/kmยฒ. An additional increase decrease of -2.92% from 2024 to 2100.

Year Population Density (people/kmยฒ) Population
2024 18.3306 5,576,660
2025 18.4832 5,623,071
2026 18.5815 5,652,989
2027 18.6491 5,673,549
2028 18.7139 5,693,246
2029 18.7745 5,711,696
2030 18.8317 5,729,094
2031 18.8861 5,745,652
2032 18.9372 5,761,190
2033 18.9845 5,775,583
2034 19.0285 5,788,955
2035 19.0694 5,801,417
2036 19.1085 5,813,294
2037 19.1455 5,824,572
2038 19.1805 5,835,194
2039 19.213 5,845,090
2040 19.2418 5,853,870
2041 19.2684 5,861,952
2042 19.2928 5,869,382
2043 19.3132 5,875,574
2044 19.3307 5,880,913
2045 19.3475 5,886,018
2046 19.3619 5,890,406
2047 19.3731 5,893,786
2048 19.3829 5,896,770
2049 19.39 5,898,932
2050 19.3929 5,899,829
2051 19.3928 5,899,792
2052 19.3902 5,898,989
2053 19.3833 5,896,912
2054 19.3718 5,893,406
2055 19.357 5,888,914
2056 19.3391 5,883,458
2057 19.3189 5,877,299
2058 19.2987 5,871,176
2059 19.2784 5,864,984
2060 19.255 5,857,873
2061 19.2292 5,850,010
2062 19.201 5,841,442
2063 19.1705 5,832,172
2064 19.1391 5,822,604
2065 19.1071 5,812,868
2066 19.0747 5,803,016
2067 19.0421 5,793,104
2068 19.0107 5,783,538
2069 18.9811 5,774,557
2070 18.9513 5,765,482
2071 18.9214 5,756,370
2072 18.8911 5,747,169
2073 18.859 5,737,402
2074 18.8262 5,727,432
2075 18.7939 5,717,579
2076 18.762 5,707,881
2077 18.7294 5,697,964
2078 18.6953 5,687,592
2079 18.6596 5,676,743
2080 18.6222 5,665,345
2081 18.5833 5,653,536
2082 18.5434 5,641,394
2083 18.5019 5,628,760
2084 18.4583 5,615,498
2085 18.4138 5,601,963
2086 18.3692 5,588,391
2087 18.3236 5,574,504
2088 18.2786 5,560,837
2089 18.2361 5,547,888
2090 18.1943 5,535,168
2091 18.1536 5,522,782
2092 18.1143 5,510,832
2093 18.074 5,498,594
2094 18.0335 5,486,266
2095 17.9933 5,474,022
2096 17.9536 5,461,949
2097 17.9154 5,450,325
2098 17.8768 5,438,578
2099 17.8361 5,426,221
2100 17.7947 5,413,618

Common Questions in Regards to Population Density

What is Population Density?

Population density is a measurement of population per unit of land area. The metric is mostly used in regards to human populations, while sometimes utilized for animal life forms and other organisms. On this page we make use of the population per square kilometer (people/kmยฒ) to illustrate the population density of Norway.

What useful information can be derived from Population Density?

The population density is a useful metric for understanding and visualize how populated a country, region or territory is, in general. It's also important to understand that most countries are highly populated in specific regions. While the population density only take people per square kilometers, spaced out evenly throughout the total area, into account.

How is Population Density calculated?

Population density indicates the number of people per unit of land area. In this case, the population density is calculated in square kilometers (kmยฒ) of Norway's area.

Population Density Formula

Population Density = population / land area in kmยฒ

Data Information

Data found on this page is based on the medium fertility variant of the United Nations Revision of World Population Prospects 2024.

Data Published: 2024-07-11

Data Sources

The United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Population Division)

UN Revision of World Population Prospects 2024

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