๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡จ Population Density of Saint Lucia

The current population density of Saint Lucia is 291.7914 people per square kilometer. A 0.26% increase from 2023, when the population density only was 291.0463 people/kmยฒ. In the future, Saint Lucia's population density is projected to decrease to 175.6607 people/kmยฒ, by the year 2100. A total increase of the population density of Saint Lucia by -39.8% from today's standard.

Historic Population Density of Saint Lucia (1950-2024)

Saint Lucia has seen an increase of population density since the 1950's. From 150.9594 people/kmยฒ to 291.7914 people/kmยฒ, an increase of 93.29% in total.

Year Population Density (people/kmยฒ) Population
1950 150.9594 92,991
1951 152.5446 93,968
1952 153.2711 94,415
1953 153.1266 94,326
1954 152.7703 94,106
1955 152.2784 93,804
1956 151.707 93,452
1957 151.1088 93,083
1958 150.5114 92,715
1959 149.9213 92,352
1960 150.3011 92,586
1961 151.7703 93,490
1962 153.4172 94,505
1963 155.0641 95,519
1964 156.664 96,505
1965 158.267 97,493
1966 159.8433 98,464
1967 161.5333 99,504
1968 163.4343 100,676
1969 165.3888 101,879
1970 167.4748 103,164
1971 169.7459 104,564
1972 172.0812 106,002
1973 174.5097 107,498
1974 177.0706 109,076
1975 179.7484 110,725
1976 182.5081 112,425
1977 185.2833 114,134
1978 188.0422 115,834
1979 190.7922 117,528
1980 193.6526 119,290
1981 196.6981 121,166
1982 199.8157 123,086
1983 202.9943 125,044
1984 206.2776 127,067
1985 209.6729 129,158
1986 213.0503 131,239
1987 216.2784 133,227
1988 219.1567 135,000
1989 221.6112 136,512
1990 223.793 137,857
1991 226.4935 139,520
1992 229.8977 141,617
1993 233.3206 143,726
1994 236.8344 145,890
1995 240.5974 148,208
1996 244.2151 150,436
1997 247.6769 152,569
1998 251.0982 154,677
1999 254.3864 156,702
2000 257.4935 158,616
2001 260.1242 160,237
2002 262.4042 161,641
2003 264.5706 162,976
2004 266.6218 164,239
2005 268.5869 165,450
2006 270.5179 166,639
2007 272.3344 167,758
2008 274.0381 168,808
2009 275.7606 169,869
2010 277.4456 170,906
2011 278.8977 171,801
2012 280.1729 172,586
2013 281.4424 173,369
2014 282.6924 174,138
2015 283.9359 174,905
2016 285.1396 175,646
2017 286.2695 176,342
2018 287.3653 177,017
2019 288.4115 177,661
2020 289.3677 178,250
2021 289.8084 178,522
2022 290.2289 178,781
2023 291.0463 179,285
2024 291.7914 179,744

Future Population Density of Saint Lucia (2024-2100)

Saint Lucia's positive trend in population density is set to decrease even further in the future. Where the population density will grow from 291.7914 people/kmยฒ to 175.6607 people/kmยฒ. An additional increase decrease of -39.8% from 2024 to 2100.

Year Population Density (people/kmยฒ) Population
2024 291.7914 179,744
2025 292.4497 180,149
2026 292.9992 180,488
2027 293.4537 180,768
2028 293.8369 181,004
2029 294.1591 181,202
2030 294.4148 181,359
2031 294.5795 181,461
2032 294.6299 181,492
2033 294.5755 181,458
2034 294.4002 181,351
2035 294.1193 181,178
2036 293.7476 180,948
2037 293.2346 180,632
2038 292.5771 180,227
2039 291.8417 179,774
2040 291.0601 179,293
2041 290.194 178,760
2042 289.2606 178,185
2043 288.2898 177,586
2044 287.2297 176,934
2045 286.0966 176,236
2046 284.9221 175,512
2047 283.6477 174,727
2048 282.2638 173,875
2049 280.8287 172,990
2050 279.3515 172,080
2051 277.836 171,147
2052 276.2744 170,185
2053 274.6445 169,181
2054 272.9773 168,154
2055 271.2808 167,109
2056 269.5674 166,054
2057 267.8222 164,978
2058 266.0284 163,874
2059 264.1859 162,738
2060 262.2581 161,551
2061 260.2938 160,341
2062 258.3295 159,131
2063 256.3295 157,899
2064 254.263 156,626
2065 252.1445 155,321
2066 249.974 153,984
2067 247.75 152,614
2068 245.5089 151,233
2069 243.2435 149,838
2070 240.9586 148,430
2071 238.6542 147,011
2072 236.3214 145,574
2073 233.9472 144,112
2074 231.5276 142,621
2075 229.1104 141,132
2076 226.6924 139,643
2077 224.2581 138,143
2078 221.8458 136,657
2079 219.4351 135,172
2080 217.0162 133,682
2081 214.6128 132,202
2082 212.2435 130,741
2083 209.9131 129,306
2084 207.5933 127,878
2085 205.3028 126,466
2086 203.0536 125,081
2087 200.8263 123,709
2088 198.6177 122,348
2089 196.4562 121,017
2090 194.3661 119,730
2091 192.3028 118,458
2092 190.2719 117,208
2093 188.3076 115,998
2094 186.3937 114,818
2095 184.5097 113,658
2096 182.6664 112,522
2097 180.875 111,419
2098 179.1104 110,332
2099 177.3669 109,258
2100 175.6607 108,207

Common Questions in Regards to Population Density

What is Population Density?

Population density is a measurement of population per unit of land area. The metric is mostly used in regards to human populations, while sometimes utilized for animal life forms and other organisms. On this page we make use of the population per square kilometer (people/kmยฒ) to illustrate the population density of Saint Lucia.

What useful information can be derived from Population Density?

The population density is a useful metric for understanding and visualize how populated a country, region or territory is, in general. It's also important to understand that most countries are highly populated in specific regions. While the population density only take people per square kilometers, spaced out evenly throughout the total area, into account.

How is Population Density calculated?

Population density indicates the number of people per unit of land area. In this case, the population density is calculated in square kilometers (kmยฒ) of Saint Lucia's area.

Population Density Formula

Population Density = population / land area in kmยฒ

Data Information

Data found on this page is based on the medium fertility variant of the United Nations Revision of World Population Prospects 2024.

Data Published: 2024-07-11

Data Sources

The United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Population Division)

UN Revision of World Population Prospects 2024

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