๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡จ Population Deaths in Seychelles

In 2024, 1,063 people died in Seychelles, whereof 617 where male and 446 where female. That is a 1.14% increase of deaths in Seychelles when compared to privous year. In the future, the annual death count in Seychelles is set to increase to 1,459, by the year 2100.

Historic Population Deaths in Seychelles (1950-2024)

Seychelles has seen an increase of annual death count since the 1950's. From 716 to 1,063 deaths per year, an increase of 48.46% in total.

Year Deaths Male Deaths Female Deaths
1950 716 400 316
1951 711 397 314
1952 697 387 310
1953 682 376 306
1954 667 364 302
1955 649 352 297
1956 631 340 292
1957 614 328 286
1958 598 317 281
1959 581 305 276
1960 564 292 272
1961 558 288 269
1962 559 291 269
1963 560 294 266
1964 562 297 264
1965 563 299 263
1966 571 303 268
1967 566 298 268
1968 557 291 266
1969 548 284 264
1970 538 276 261
1971 537 275 262
1972 521 268 253
1973 509 265 244
1974 510 269 241
1975 506 269 237
1976 501 269 233
1977 503 271 232
1978 508 275 233
1979 507 277 230
1980 513 282 231
1981 517 285 232
1982 516 286 231
1983 523 289 233
1984 531 293 237
1985 539 298 241
1986 550 304 246
1987 561 311 250
1988 569 317 252
1989 570 320 250
1990 572 324 248
1991 576 329 247
1992 580 332 248
1993 586 336 250
1994 592 338 254
1995 597 339 258
1996 603 341 262
1997 616 345 271
1998 619 344 275
1999 628 347 281
2000 638 351 288
2001 649 354 295
2002 662 358 304
2003 672 362 310
2004 680 366 313
2005 683 368 314
2006 689 371 318
2007 698 375 323
2008 707 379 328
2009 719 385 334
2010 734 392 342
2011 751 401 350
2012 767 412 354
2013 784 425 359
2014 807 441 366
2015 833 458 375
2016 860 476 385
2017 889 493 396
2018 923 513 409
2019 959 536 423
2020 826 498 329
2021 1,131 601 530
2022 1,184 628 556
2023 1,051 599 452
2024 1,063 617 446

Future Population Deaths in Seychelles (2024-2100)

Seychelles's upward trend in deaths is set to increase even further in the future. When the number of yearly deaths for Seychelles will grow from 1,063 to 1,459. An additional increase of the annual death count by 37.25% from 2024 to 2100.

Year Deaths Male Deaths Female Deaths
2024 1,063 617 446
2025 1,076 630 446
2026 1,092 645 447
2027 1,108 659 449
2028 1,126 674 452
2029 1,144 688 456
2030 1,163 702 461
2031 1,180 715 466
2032 1,200 728 472
2033 1,221 742 479
2034 1,244 756 488
2035 1,269 771 498
2036 1,294 786 509
2037 1,321 801 520
2038 1,349 816 533
2039 1,375 830 545
2040 1,402 844 558
2041 1,430 858 572
2042 1,457 872 585
2043 1,485 886 599
2044 1,512 899 613
2045 1,540 913 626
2046 1,566 926 640
2047 1,592 939 653
2048 1,615 951 664
2049 1,639 964 675
2050 1,660 975 685
2051 1,681 986 695
2052 1,703 999 704
2053 1,722 1,010 712
2054 1,741 1,020 720
2055 1,760 1,032 727
2056 1,777 1,043 734
2057 1,792 1,052 740
2058 1,807 1,061 746
2059 1,822 1,071 751
2060 1,836 1,079 756
2061 1,848 1,087 761
2062 1,860 1,095 766
2063 1,871 1,101 770
2064 1,880 1,106 774
2065 1,890 1,111 779
2066 1,898 1,115 783
2067 1,903 1,117 787
2068 1,911 1,119 792
2069 1,915 1,119 795
2070 1,918 1,119 800
2071 1,917 1,115 802
2072 1,916 1,110 806
2073 1,913 1,104 809
2074 1,907 1,096 811
2075 1,899 1,087 812
2076 1,890 1,076 814
2077 1,878 1,064 815
2078 1,866 1,051 815
2079 1,851 1,036 815
2080 1,833 1,018 814
2081 1,815 1,002 812
2082 1,795 985 810
2083 1,774 967 807
2084 1,750 947 803
2085 1,726 927 798
2086 1,701 907 794
2087 1,677 888 789
2088 1,655 871 785
2089 1,630 852 778
2090 1,604 833 771
2091 1,583 818 765
2092 1,562 803 759
2093 1,542 789 753
2094 1,525 777 748
2095 1,508 766 742
2096 1,494 756 738
2097 1,482 748 734
2098 1,472 741 731
2099 1,465 737 728
2100 1,459 733 726

Data Information

Data found on this page is based on the medium fertility variant of the United Nations Revision of World Population Prospects 2024.

Data Published: 2024-07-11

Data Sources

The United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Population Division)

UN Revision of World Population Prospects 2024

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