๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ธ Population Deaths in Iceland

In 2024, 2,613 people died in Iceland, whereof 1,383 where male and 1,230 where female. That is a 0.04% increase of deaths in Iceland when compared to privous year. In the future, the annual death count in Iceland is set to increase to 4,709, by the year 2100.

Historic Population Deaths in Iceland (1950-2024)

Iceland has seen an increase of annual death count since the 1950's. From 1,122 to 2,613 deaths per year, an increase of 132.89% in total.

Year Deaths Male Deaths Female Deaths
1950 1,122 582 540
1951 1,147 583 564
1952 1,087 569 518
1953 1,122 568 554
1954 1,063 552 511
1955 1,102 586 516
1956 1,160 576 584
1957 1,166 582 584
1958 1,173 617 556
1959 1,249 674 575
1960 1,174 588 585
1961 1,247 678 570
1962 1,240 650 590
1963 1,322 724 598
1964 1,312 722 590
1965 1,294 694 600
1966 1,402 783 620
1967 1,394 769 624
1968 1,398 742 656
1969 1,462 793 669
1970 1,467 821 646
1971 1,510 852 658
1972 1,459 797 663
1973 1,485 836 649
1974 1,518 873 645
1975 1,423 814 609
1976 1,352 768 585
1977 1,441 808 633
1978 1,429 790 639
1979 1,489 826 663
1980 1,543 879 664
1981 1,669 924 745
1982 1,595 858 736
1983 1,668 960 708
1984 1,594 858 736
1985 1,660 888 771
1986 1,600 861 739
1987 1,737 932 805
1988 1,832 975 857
1989 1,728 893 834
1990 1,721 919 802
1991 1,803 1,008 795
1992 1,733 880 852
1993 1,761 879 883
1994 1,731 904 827
1995 1,963 1,000 963
1996 1,894 997 897
1997 1,860 997 863
1998 1,839 948 891
1999 1,917 972 945
2000 1,835 910 926
2001 1,736 928 808
2002 1,834 943 891
2003 1,846 913 933
2004 1,840 971 869
2005 1,853 949 904
2006 1,913 964 949
2007 1,954 1,004 949
2008 2,005 991 1,014
2009 2,020 1,042 978
2010 2,035 1,074 961
2011 2,004 1,008 995
2012 1,983 964 1,018
2013 2,166 1,098 1,068
2014 2,066 1,060 1,006
2015 2,196 1,072 1,123
2016 2,330 1,204 1,125
2017 2,243 1,123 1,120
2018 2,266 1,147 1,119
2019 2,280 1,162 1,118
2020 2,315 1,171 1,143
2021 2,344 1,185 1,160
2022 2,826 1,499 1,327
2023 2,612 1,386 1,226
2024 2,613 1,383 1,230

Future Population Deaths in Iceland (2024-2100)

Iceland's upward trend in deaths is set to increase even further in the future. When the number of yearly deaths for Iceland will grow from 2,613 to 4,709. An additional increase of the annual death count by 80.21% from 2024 to 2100.

Year Deaths Male Deaths Female Deaths
2024 2,613 1,383 1,230
2025 2,648 1,396 1,252
2026 2,683 1,411 1,273
2027 2,725 1,428 1,297
2028 2,768 1,448 1,320
2029 2,815 1,471 1,345
2030 2,869 1,497 1,371
2031 2,926 1,527 1,400
2032 2,988 1,556 1,432
2033 3,052 1,589 1,464
2034 3,122 1,626 1,496
2035 3,192 1,659 1,532
2036 3,260 1,696 1,563
2037 3,331 1,733 1,598
2038 3,406 1,770 1,636
2039 3,480 1,810 1,670
2040 3,546 1,845 1,701
2041 3,609 1,875 1,734
2042 3,678 1,911 1,767
2043 3,741 1,942 1,799
2044 3,797 1,971 1,826
2045 3,862 2,003 1,859
2046 3,914 2,029 1,885
2047 3,970 2,057 1,912
2048 4,019 2,080 1,938
2049 4,065 2,102 1,963
2050 4,104 2,122 1,982
2051 4,143 2,141 2,003
2052 4,177 2,162 2,015
2053 4,214 2,179 2,035
2054 4,243 2,199 2,044
2055 4,274 2,216 2,058
2056 4,302 2,232 2,070
2057 4,332 2,254 2,078
2058 4,357 2,272 2,085
2059 4,385 2,291 2,094
2060 4,408 2,311 2,097
2061 4,445 2,337 2,108
2062 4,471 2,356 2,116
2063 4,510 2,385 2,125
2064 4,545 2,411 2,133
2065 4,586 2,439 2,147
2066 4,626 2,464 2,162
2067 4,674 2,498 2,175
2068 4,722 2,529 2,194
2069 4,771 2,559 2,213
2070 4,819 2,590 2,229
2071 4,868 2,621 2,247
2072 4,914 2,649 2,265
2073 4,966 2,681 2,284
2074 5,019 2,715 2,305
2075 5,072 2,743 2,329
2076 5,126 2,776 2,350
2077 5,176 2,806 2,369
2078 5,218 2,827 2,392
2079 5,262 2,853 2,409
2080 5,298 2,867 2,431
2081 5,340 2,886 2,454
2082 5,364 2,895 2,469
2083 5,386 2,898 2,488
2084 5,392 2,894 2,498
2085 5,387 2,882 2,505
2086 5,371 2,864 2,507
2087 5,338 2,835 2,503
2088 5,293 2,804 2,489
2089 5,240 2,767 2,474
2090 5,187 2,728 2,459
2091 5,124 2,690 2,434
2092 5,061 2,654 2,407
2093 4,996 2,622 2,374
2094 4,940 2,594 2,346
2095 4,887 2,572 2,315
2096 4,837 2,554 2,282
2097 4,808 2,542 2,267
2098 4,765 2,525 2,240
2099 4,740 2,519 2,221
2100 4,709 2,508 2,201

Data Information

Data found on this page is based on the medium fertility variant of the United Nations Revision of World Population Prospects 2024.

Data Published: 2024-07-11

Data Sources

The United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Population Division)

UN Revision of World Population Prospects 2024

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